Thursday, June 29, 2006

At 2am this morning......

I saw the silhouette of my precious Landry crossing our room to wake up her daddy. I heard them exchange a few whispers and thought to myself "please let it be monsters, please let it be monsters".

No such luck. It was a monster, alright, but a monster of a different kind.....the stomach variety. Landry had gotten sick in her bed; so sick that I didn't even try to salvage the sheets. I just threw them away. I'm seriously contemplating doing the same with her comforter.

Since then she has gotten sick numerous times. I just got back from going to CVS to get Phenergan. Hopefully, it will start working soon because as Landry said, "Throw-upping is no fun." I so agree.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


warning!!! not for the weak stomached.....

Aside from being fired, the WORST thing happened to me yesterday at work. I threw up. No, not in the bathroom, although that would have been embarrassing too since it's a "community" bathroom and not a single bathroom. I felt sick and tried to leave work, but only made it elevators before I got sick. I knew I was going to get sick again before I would make it to the first floor lobby, so I went running back down the hall to try and make it to the bathroom. I didn't make it. I only got as far as the break room sink. ewwwww! I quickly cleared the break room, though!

Anyway, after that I was able to leave and go home where I was sick at home the rest of the night. However, I did manage to tell the security guard on my way out that I had gotten sick in front of the elevators on the 4th floor. So, aside from being fired, the worst thing happened to the janitors yesterday at work also.

Friday, June 23, 2006

I could've had the $40K

Last night on Wheel during the bonus round, the puzzle theme was occupation. After RSTLNE came up, the puzzle looked like this:

-R- ----

I looked at Jeff and said "fry cook" and he just shrugged his shoulders. After the contestant didn't get it, the letters started to fill in and it read "fry cook". Jeff laughed and said "unbelievable!!" Wish I had been the contestant....I'd be $40K richer right now.

Here's a few random pics:

Korley has already learned the "fist bump"

Bummer of a summer

Who needs Hurricane Harbor??

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Wildest Dream #1...........

I've always wanted to be a contestant on Wheel of Fortune.

Also, one more thing today. I forgot about this picture until I just saw it on my sister's myspace. It's my sister and Michael Buble. She asked me before I took this picture if we took it in black and white if I thought she would be able to trick people into thinking she took a picture with him. Sure, you'll be easily fooled if you think he has a FREAKISHLY HUGE head.....a "Buble-head" if you will. heehee

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


I don't mean to be insensitive regarding my previous post, but sometimes the things that come out of my four-year-old's mouth crack me up. I think Landry might watch too much Cartoon Network.....

I was on the phone talking to my dad about my co-worker's son and Landry overheard my conversation and kept hearing the words "died" and "dead". When I got off the phone, she asked me if someone died and I said yes. She asked if they really died and I said yes. Then she said, "Oh, so now he has X's on his eyes?"

I guess if Tom & Jerry is your favorite show, that's what you think happens when you die.


I've been a little sad and a little happy today.

Sad for my co-worker who lost his 15-year-old son late last night to an unknown lung infection. The boy had been in ICU for the past 27 days on a heart-lung machine. He was in surgery last night and didn't make it through. I can't even imagine......

Happy, though, that he was a Christian and is now living with Jesus.

And, happy for the BLESSINGS in my life. I have many blessings, but here are three of my favorite.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Dear other working parents of two kids......

how do you do it?

How do you get you and your two (adorable) kids ready for daycare, work a full day while squeezing in errands during lunch, drive an hour to pick up (darling) kids from daycare, drive home with screaming, tired (precious) baby in backseat, go home, cook and eat dinner, clean kitchen, give (beautiful) kids baths, start/finish laundry, pick up clutter, set out (sweet) kids clothes for next day, and put (cute) kids to bed?

If anyone has any tips, we would appreciate it!!


Courtney and Jeff

Monday, June 19, 2006

New day of school.....

Sad, sad day for me.

Today was Korley's first day at daycare. She looked so young and little, even in the infant room. I really like her teachers. They seem very caring and love babies, but it is hard to drop off your 11-week-old! :(

Also, today is Landry's first day at her new school (Landry and Korley are going to the same place). She has been very excited about it because they have a big playground and indoor pool, but I have been praying that she makes new friends easily. I can't wait to pick her up today and see how everything went.

Korley is 11 weeks old today! She has changed so much the past couple of weeks and gotten so big! Here are some of the things that have changed about her recently:

*She is smiling SO MUCH! She smiles almost anytime we try to get her to smile. I love it when she gets a big ole cheesy grin on her face and gets so excited and starts waving her arms and kicking her legs. Landry can really make her smile!!

*She has started "talking" a lot. She has discovered her voice and will talk to us and to her fish on her mobile, and other toys.

*She is holding her head up so well. She almost has full control of her head; she's really strong!

*At some point in the last couple of weeks, her eyelashes just became really dark and really long. She has the prettiest eyes.

*She loves her gripe water. This stuff is AMAZING!! I wish I had had it with Landry. I would recommend it for any baby that has colic, gas, acid reflux, etc.

Pictures to come tomorrow!

Saturday, June 10, 2006


Don't you just want to squeeze those cheeks?!?!?

The top two pictures are of Landry when she was 9 weeks old. The bottom two are of Korley.

Same outfit, same couch......totally different look.

The other big difference, if you will recall from bicylcle safety rules.....Landry is signaling to turn left, Korley is going right. :)

Another difference between the two of them at this age is their hair. Landry's had turned lighter and by this point was laying somewhat flat against her head. It's hard to see in these pictures, but Korley's is an out of control mess. It mostly resembles Kramer's from Seinfeld.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Well, my first week back at work lasted about 4 hours. Just long enough for me to get through about 20 or so of my 751 emails.

My mom has graciously agreed to watch Korley the next few weeks so she doesn't have to start daycare so young. She called me late Tuesday morning and said Korley was running a 101 degree temp. So, I got a 3:20 dr. appt for Korley and by 4:30 she was in her own room on the pediatric floor of the hospital.

Her heart rate was elevated and her oxygen level was a little low and she still had her fever, so she was admitted so they could see what was going on with her. The first evening there she was so sick; she was just lifeless. The worst part was how much she was poked and prodded from the nurses trying to start an IV on her. They started two and both of them infiltrated. One of her arms and one of her feet were swollen like tree stumps from the infiltration.

These pictures were taken the first night we were there. Poor baby!

Wednesday was a long day of waiting around on lab tests to come back. She still didn't feel well, but had been started on an antibiotic so she was a little better. Fortunately, she slept most of the day and got some rest.

By Wednesday evening it had been determined that she had a urinary tract infection and they were going to have to run tests on Thursday to see what caused it. On Thursday, they did a scan that showed that she has urinary reflux so when she urinates urine doesn't fully empty out of her bladder; it goes back up through her uretor (sp?) and into her kidneys. So, now she will have to see a pediatric urologist for quite some time and be on antibiotics for "months to years", according to her dr.

Elizabeth, if you're reading, doesn't your daughter have this, too?

Additionally, we learned that she has a little bit of acid reflux as well. We met with an occupational therapist Thursday afternoon and went over exactly how we feed her, what we feed her, when we feed her, how she sleeps, etc. Basically, we now have to do the opposite of what we have been doing...including how she sleeps. She is now supposed to be sleeping on what they call a "wedge" while being strapped into what they call a "harness". However, it's basically like she's sleeping on Mt. Everest in a straight-jacket. Here is what it looks like....

So, we were released from the hospital Thursday evening. I'm extremely thankful that she is okay and it is nothing terribly major is wrong, but the hospital is draining and exhausting. However, if you have to be in the hospital, Plano Presbyterian pediatric floor is not a bad place to be. The whole wing inside the rooms and the hallway have this magnificent mural painted. It is really cute. Here is a picture of Korley's room and the door to her room.

We are home now and Korley is trying to get some well deserved rest (so is her mommy, daddy, PopPop, and Gigi!!).

Oh, today is her two month birthday!!