Well, hello again.
I am happy to report that 2017 is a thing of the past, and that 2018 is here in all of its glory.
2017 was a rough year for me. Emotionally. Spiritually. Mentally. In many ways, it represented the culmination of a lot of junk--personal junk, family junk, more personal junk--that needed to be pulled out, acknowledged, examined, and dealt with, in a way I had never had to do before. In a way I very much did not know HOW to do. It was hard, unpleasant work that, at the time, I would have rather not had to deal with, though in retrospect I can very much see its value. I can see the struggle, and feel grateful that I somehow, miraculously, had the desire and the strength (and unending personal support) to get through what, hopefully, has been the worst of it. But not seeing or acknowledging the need for such an uncomfortable inventory would not have made it unnecessary. It would only have served to prolong the need for its eventual occurrence.
I'm not done with the junk yet. Not by a long shot. But I am not as afraid of it, or unequipped to handle it, as I was not very long ago. ("Do you hear me?? I'm not afraid anymore!") I am also getting over the fear of being an imperfect, broken soul. Of knowing it, feeling it; accepting it. I am discovering that the pain of daily berating myself for endlessly falling short is far worse than the pain of saying, "I'm not perfect, nor meant to be perfect in this instant. And I am fine with owning that." My weaknesses, vulnerabilities, frailties, will ever be a part of my life. I pray that I can grow in them and through them, but I no longer attempt to pray them away. Because they are a part of who I am, of what makes me, me. Which I am finally beginning to see is perfectly, wonderfully okay.
Please enjoy these images of my biggest cheerleaders and supporters. The literal reason that I was able to get out of bed and face my life and be a human (not a robot) all 365 days of dumb 2017.
They are my life and my world. They want me, and need me to be whole. And I am working on that for them. Far as I have to go.