
Brownies / 7alwat L'Marikan

Ghriba Dyal Sfar L'Bid (Ghriba't Nass Rab3a)/ Egg Yolk Cookies/Petits Biscuits Aux Jaunes D'oeufs

Boolfaf or Melfoof or Kwaa, Moroccan Grilled Liver Kebabs-Boulfaf L'3id L'kbir

Afolous Imim - Djaj 7lou (Hlou)- Moroccan Sweet, Sticky Chicken Sauce

Moroccan Preserved Lemon / Pickled Lemons/ L'hamd Mssayr or L'hamd Mra9d

Warquat or War9at Bastilla / Moroccan Phyllo Sheets (Filo)

What is Tagra? It is an earthenware pot of North Morocco

Honey/Date Mahrash - Moroccan Honey/Date Bread - Mahrach aux dattes et miel-Pain Marocain!

Naughty Chocolaty-Sweety Cake - Happy Birthday Leo!

Cuisine of Figuig or Ifiyyey : Aghrom Anabsal or Anabssale or N'lebsal / Onion Bread

A tribute to My Father - This month, 10 years of my life without my dad!

Chocolate-Strawberry Cake - Happy Birthday Sabrina!

Pour avoir de beaux enfants donnez-leur du LAIT GUIGOZ / Halwat L' Ghoraf” or “ Halwat Guigoz / حلوة الغراف

Fkas Mal7 or 9at3a ( قطعة / فقاس مالح ) Moroccan Colourful Crackers /Moroccan Version of Indian Punjabi Mathri!!

In memory of my mum! Khbiza O Zbida! Bread and Butter Sandwich!

Moroccan Cookies / Cakes! Dwaz Atay / دواز أتاي

Top Two (2) Feel-Home Food for Ramadan in Morocco: Sellou or Slilo, a Unique Unbaked Moroccan Sweet for Ramadan!

Top One (1) Feel-Home Food for Ramadan in Morocco! Chabakia B'Kawkaw, this year! Also called Mkharqua in Fes Region and Griwich in Agadir Region and others!

عَقْدَةْ اللّوز/Homemade Almond Paste/Pâte d'Amandes!

European Macarons /Macarons Européens

My attempt to make different flavours of French Macarons!

French Heart-Shaped and Dark Macarons/Macarons Français Coeurs et Noirs For Mactweets Challenge!

French, Saffron, Curcuma Macarons For Mac Attack 5!

French Macarons Rings / Bagues Macarons Français for MacAttack!

French Coffee Macarons/Macarons Français Au Café/For Mac Attack 7

French Chocolate and Almond Macarons / Macarons Français aux Chocolat et Amandes/Mac Attack #18

Violet and Mint French Macarons / Macarons Français Violets et à la Menthe

Another day, another macaron!

Bûche au chocolat blanc et orange / Gâteau roulé!

Gâteau aux carottes, Spécialité Nord-Américaine! / Carrot Cake, North American Specialty!

Raspberry and White Chocolate Mousse Charlotte / Charlotte à la mousse au chocolat blanc et framboises

Pièce montée / Croquembouche for DB Challenge of May 2010

The Australia's National Dish: Pavlova!

My First Tiramisu Attempt... / Daring Bakers February 2010 Challenge

Anwar's Castle Cake/Gâteau Château d'Anwar

Manhatthan roulade and Happy New Yea-Bonne Année

Gâteau chemise et cravate pour la fête des pères / Father's Day Shirt and Tie Cake