Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Business Card

Making a business card is kinda stressful. I was getting all freaked out trying to make an image that represents my work. So i did what i always do when i don't know what to do... kept it simple. Thank you BRIGETTE BARRAGER for creating such an awesome post about your business card. It pushed me to get my act together. "Does this make sense or is it weird" as Dan Hansen would say. Any suggestions out there blog folk?

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Come On People : (

I am deeply saddened by the passing of Prop 8 in California. But even more disheartening is the recently passed law in Arkansas that only allows married couples to adopt. That means gays or straight single people cannot give a child a loving home. "I just don't get it." I think America made a huge leap forward electing Barack Obama, but then took a couple of steps back with these new laws. I'm going to stop ranting now, and leave this post with a quote I find uplifting.

"inequality isn't a burden we have to except but a obstacle we have to overcome".

Michelle Obama

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Big Bang

Lately I have been thinking deeply about what i want to do with the time I have. Like what are my dreams and stuff! Well I love making things, crafting things with my hands, Bringing thoughts to life. Artist stuff! I think its important for me to keep it vague; Because i have learned that when i say that being, " this, this, and this will make me happy." Then i start closing myself off to the many different ways that i can experience happiness. Maybe i am being dramatic, but at times it can get pretty scary thinking about all the unknowns. I guess i should just breath, take it one day at a time and listen to that little voice that tells me "everything is going to be ok."

I love this city

San Francisco is my current place of residence. It's full of really fascinating people, from all walks of life. I think a lot of people here have a good sense of Fashion and enjoy expressing themselves through the way they dress.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Good Times

This summer one of my dreams came true. I had the pleasure of being an art intern at Pixar. I worked in consumer products, which is the department that develops merchandise based off Pixar films. Most of my time there was spent exploring illustrative styles for children's books. I also had the opportunity to work on other fun projects like designing a t-shirt & tote bag for an event at the studio. Highlights of the internship were the people i met during my time there. Such as my mentor Ben Butcher, a generous man and passionate artist. And the other super awesome and ridiculously talented interns. I am leaving this internship with a lot of gratitude to the studio and a great amount of respect to the people who make it work. Oh yeah! did i forget to mention that i will be illustrating a childrens book of my very own for UP. Well at least that's the plan, hopefully everything works out. Yaaay!!!

Election 08

Obama forest friends

Earlier this summer i worked with Jib Jab on their 2008 election short.I did a few character and environment explorations for the Obama sequence.I had a lot of fun working with Ian Worrell and Philip Vose, two of my classmates that i graduated with this year.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Wedding Gift

I don't know if you folks have noticed or not, but i have been going through a phase where all i want to make is paper-cut out crafty things. These little pieces are a gift to my brother and his wife who tied the knot over the weekend. My new sister in law comes from a Thai family who are practicing Buddhist. So in respect of her parents and also just for the sake of trying something different the wedding was held in a traditional Thai-Buddhist marriage ceremony.
Oh yeah! So the Gift is supposed to be a collection of charms that will ensure my brother and his wife have a long happy life together. For example the Snail represents Patience, which is an important characteristic to have in any relationship. The Lion is meant to remind them to not allow pride to come between them. I don't want to give all the meanings away, perhaps you can try and guess what some of the others are about?