Sunday, June 13, 2010

fine essay on Paul Verhoeven's prophetic Starship Troopers --

When some brave soldiers capture the “brain bug” at the end, it’s a
hollow triumph, because it’s a senseless war they’re biologically and
militarily doomed to lose. For the suckers going for citizenship, their
greatest hope is to sacrifice a limb or two, and get back home;
otherwise, the best and the brightest can expect the high honor of being
ceremonially jettisoned into the vast nothingness of outer space...

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Friday, June 11, 2010

Robert Creeley's Autobiography

I can watch, from this window, an insistent height of sky that has been
all this past fall and winter a companion to my being here, and a
subtle, unaggressive information of where, in fact, it is. It's as if I
can't really see ground, but rather, the tops of birches, planted in the
back common ground of this large apartment block, which are on eye
level. One could reach out, with sufficiently long arms, and pick off twigs from their crowns. Elsewise I look across at the other apartment
windows, which are of regular dimensions, set and abstracting, in the flat yellowish-brown stucco. Above there are details of brickwork, the
point where an edge of roof meets another. There are galvanized tin roofs, one painted a barn red, another black, both common colors of
industrial cover paints. And the sky is another thing entirely, persistently, though it is within a set frame, the window, a place, simply up there. It isn't only its being far, or indeterminant, or just
this shifting, massive place of light and weather. It is that it proposes no human convenience, that it isn't simple, that it won't go away. Thus I love Ginsberg's line in
Kaddish, "And the sky above, an old blue place."

(thanks DS)

Vancouver Island trees &c.

Friday, June 04, 2010

I'll be appearing on Saturday night at the Charles Olson Centenary Conference--looking forward to seeing everyone!

Local trees & c.

Thursday, June 03, 2010

Alan Davies on  The Dea(r)th of Poetry

There is always another (another (always another)) excuse for being nice.

That (that) in-and-of-itself should tell us something (that in and of itself should tell us something).

(Georgia & Burrard in Vancouver thx LB)

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Ed Dorn’s Douglas Woolf

“America” is a smug, hardhearted, unforgiving nation of jackals, which
forever slaps itself on its back over how generous, selfless and idealistic it is. It is the most preposterous propaganda barrage since
Goebbels ran an office, in bloodier and more interesting times.

You go to the window. You look out at the immense night. You see the plow, you see the dipper, you see the fish and you see the net. Every thing blood and bone ever needed is shown and displayed in the sky. You can hunker down and pay the mortgage, and save yourself a lot of trouble, or you can see the show. There actually isn’t any other choice.
For a mere traveller has no access to the haunts.

Edward Dorn: The Air of June Sings

My eyes avoid

the largest
stone, larger than the common large, Goodpole Matthews,

Pioneer, and
that pioneer sticks in me like a wormed black cherry

in my throat,
No Date, nothing but that zeal, that trekking

and Business, that
presumption in a sacred place, where children

are buried, and
where peace, as it is in the fields and the country

should reign. A
wagon wheel is buried there. Lead me away

to the small
quiet stones of the unpreposterous dead and leave

me my tears for Darling we love thee, for
Budded on earth and blossomed

in heaven, where the fieldbirds sing in the
fence rows,

and there is possibility, where there are not the loneliest of

Oh, the stones
not yet cut...

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

David Thomson on Dennis Hopper: Dead, Man

Frank Booth is one of those characters from the '80s, like Jack Torrance
and Hannibal Lecter, who showed how monsters were settling into
ordinary life.

Monday, May 31, 2010

The Magnificent Migrants

"The Thing"

LUIS HERNANDEZ from the State of Veracruz works in demolition in New York. He sends home $200 a week.

LUIS HERNANDEZ originario de Estado de Veracruz trabaja como demoledor en Nueva York. Manda 200 dólares a la semana.

two classic albums by John Fahey, including "Railroad I":--

In 1983 he recorded Railroad I for his Takoma label: a 10-song album with titles a mixture of Richard Brautigan's porch-side mysticism and
folky small-talk with a grizzled convenience store clerk. Some sound like ad hoc itineraries: “Frisco Leaving Birmingham,” “Afternoon Espee
through Salem.” Others are lent an ambiguous personal symbolism or naïve simile: “Summer Cat by My Door,” “Life Is Like a Mountain Railway” (“I ask you, is it?” Fahey mused in his liners). There’s the rail fan’s favorite: “Steve Talbot on the Keddie Wey,” a locomotive picker rhapsodizing the steel tracks laid along the Feather River Canyon.

There’s the conflation of the ineffable and the empirical: “Enigmas & Perplexities of the Norfolk and Western;” “Delta Dog thru the Book of
Revelation.” There are meditations and ruminations, vignettes and moderate and capable extrapolations of worn and ossified themes. There
are whimsical and worried tones; there are deep death tolls and ecstatic birth cries. And there is no clear statement about anything. True to
his word, Railroad I is a puzzle askew--scattershot, a colorful and emotive mess, bereft of configuration and purpose.

Friday, May 28, 2010

happy birthday to great legal historian (& prose stylist) Frederic Maitland
Maitland Index

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

excellent "Hard Times" issue of historical journal Common-place

Tuesday, May 25, 2010