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April 25, 2004

Two Day Tick-Tock

The countdown is on. I'll spare you the angst and just recommend another bit of music to study by.

Hovering helicopters provided the soundtrack almost all day yesterday, presumably surveilling the IMF/World Bank protest. Barriers everywhere down town. Police overkill. Today they'll probably repeat the performance for the March for Women's Lives. I hope to take a study break and go, but I was introduced to so much new material in CivPro yesterday that I'd just never even seen before that I don't know if I can afford the break. Who even knew additur and remittitur were words!?

UPDATE: Just to note the great links recently at Three Years of Hell (who appears to have entirely too much time for political commentary at the moment—I can't keep up!) and buzzwords.

Posted April 25, 2004 05:55 AM | law school

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