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May 27, 2004


Yeah, you know it already, but apparently the vixen behind the Capital Hill blog scandal is no longer anonymous — she is Jessica Cutler and she worked for Republican Sen. Mike DeWine.

She's 24, holds a bachelor's degree in international relations from Syracuse University, once aspired to be a journalist and says she is not ashamed in the least of her behavior. "Everything is true," Cutler told us in an interview. "It's so cliched. It's like, 'There's a slutty girl on the Hill?' There's millions of 'em," she said, laughing. "A lot of my friends are way worse than me."

She's, um, been fired.

Posted May 27, 2004 05:43 AM | general politics

Someone paid money to have sex with that? Yikes.. At least the members of the legislature in NY (where I used to be) got it for free.

Posted by: justin at May 27, 2004 11:00 PM

Ah, come on, justin, you know you'll be first in line when the inevitable Washingtonienne issue of Playboy hits the newsstands.

Posted by: Steve at May 28, 2004 01:15 AM

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