Friday, June 4, 2010

All quiet on the blogging front

As my few (very few) dedicated readers have surely noted, the Mowles Family blog has been silent for over four months now. To be honest, I'm a little bit torn.

There have been several factors that have slowed down my rate of blogging.

1. Grief. Between our Trisomy 18 loss and an early miscarriage in February, these past months have been very difficult. I have not been or felt like my best self.
2. Busy-ness. Since I'm now teaching online during Sara's naptime, the only time to blog is the evening. By then I'm usually trying to do laundry, hang out with my hubby, and possibly do a little exercising. I also like to veg in front of the TV or the computer.
3. Facebook. First of all, it's a major time-suck. Second of all, when I post photos on there, I reach a very similar audience to the one reading my blog. Commenting is easier, too.

So, for now, I think I might try using Facebook to post pictures a bit more often. I am not ready to completely call it quits on the blog, but we'll see.

So, if you happen to be a reader of my blog who is not on Facebook, I encourage you to join!