I'm trying to like holidays now that I have children.
I don't know why I don't like them, other than the fact that most people go above and beyond and I just don't feel the need to..
That and they just seem to collect oodles of junk.
Those pretty little wreaths require storage, those crafts with hands require storage, lights require storage..
And with how much we move, I can only store so much.
I'm trying to be better now that Ross is getting older.
Soooo in walks Valentine's Day.
He got invited to a cute little party one of his little friends was throwing, and everyone had to bring Valentine things for everyone, and it was at the park..
It was cute.
I walked around the Dollar store, and even at the dollar store, I couldnt bring myself to buy the pre-made Valentines.
I just couldnt.
So I decided to be creative.
Meaning, I decided to start scavenging around Pinterest.
Nothing was really catching my eye, until I was at Walmart and saw those cute heart shaped marshmallows.
So I bought them.
Don't know why, marshmallows are pretty disgusting, but I did.
Got home and thought, wow.. What the heck am I going to do with gigantic pink heart-shaped marshmallows when I have a boy.
If he could communicate better, he wouldve been moaning and groaning because they were so girly.
What does a person do when they have marshmallows they shouldn't have bought, and a whole box of Rice Krispies laying around?
Yes, yes you're right..
You make quite possibly the worst treat in the entire planet.
So bad in fact, that we have now made a family code, and Rice Krispies are not to come within 100 feet of our house.
Ever ever.
First came the melting of the marshmellows.
Not too terrible, but prrreettyy annoying.
Especially considering the fact that this was the moment Mazie started crying.
Then came the "pouring of the Rice Krispies," which being the interactive Mom that I am striving to be, required Ross to do the honors.
Terrible idea.
Not only did Rice Krispies not get into the melting pot of mallows, but they proceeded to fall in every crack imaginable in a kitchen.
And trust me, they are the worst to clean.
Especially when you have a toddler following you and seeming to crunch every single one.
Then he started to just eat them.
I am standing, stirring and not stopping because that's what the stupid bag told me to do, asking begging him to pour them in, and he is just laughing at me..
Eating the krispies.
So then I stopped stiring.
I poured all the rice krispies in the melted mallow bowl.
Got a little irritated at him.
Gave Mazie some blueberries to shush her.
And then went back to the stiring.
Are you seeing the problem here?
Possibly the worst stiring experience of my life.
But I perservered, and I put some elbow grease into it, and this is when I started to swear on everything in the room that I would never do this again no matter how much pressure I was feeling to be a homemaker.
Needless to say, my next batch..
Because, of course, I had to have one pink batch and another batch red...
Dont ask.
I got the hang of it though, and I let it all sit and set like it was supposed to.
On the directions it said to cut out the hearts immediately, bag them, and just let them set in the fridge, but that just seemed silly.
Not silly at all Elyse.
I came back to extremely hard krispies, attacking them with a ridiculous heart cookie cutter, without the needed pam mind you, making it nearly impossible to do any sort of cutting.
Probably more annoying that the original stiring, now that I think about it.
And all the while hating Valentines Day more and more.
So then I had my cute hearts, in cute bags, making it seem like I was just cute in general.
Ross loved handing them out to his friends, which sort of made me forget how annoying it all was.
And I was smiling.
Ross was smiling.
There was even enough so that he could put one in his own bag.
How charming.
Wrooonng again.
We get home, he whips out his bag and all his goodies, goes right to the heart because he can say it and for a moment it was extremely cute, and then he proceeds to eat it...
And it goes everywhere..
We are still finding stupid rice krispies and it is now two days later.
Rob even had rice krispies on his sock, which was then inside his shoe, so he was reminded the entire working day yesterday of how much he hated the most annoying treat on the planet.
I don't know how he managed it, because really how does any kid manage to get so messy..
But I'm honestly still questioning how much of that annoying heart got into his cute little mouth.
And it was all in the name of love apparently.
Remember that little stroll I made around the dollar store?
Those pre-made Valentines that I so disgustingly declined?
Next year, I'm all over that.
I'll be lovin me some pre-mades.
My children will be at risk if I don't.