Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Sunday, February 26, 2012

I had the most amazing time in NJ

Staying with my favorite DSSD and DSIL. They opened their home and gave me their kidlets. I had the best time bonding with Annie and Owen, they are smart, they are personable, and they are totally adorable. I had a great time choo-chooing with Owen. He has a wonderful imagination, a great vocabulary and can charm the socks off of each foot on a catipillar - simultaneously. He is totally game. Annie is sooo sweet and snuggly and is always down for a good hug, chomping down on a book and just sitting back as she watches all the chaos. I didn't get many pictures as I was in on the action. And that to me was da bomb. As a scrapbooker I can always do a story and slap a photo on it, because when you get down to it; its all about the story. 
I felt bad that sweet Annie girl didn't feel well. She'll be sporting a new tooth I'm thinking for all the sniffles she was going through, and I'm glad she felt well enough to bond with me for a little while in time. Owen was all good, like we weren't separated by 1200 miles. It was a good feeling, and makes me all emotional, which I'm not apologizing for. You peeps just have to deal with it. And tomorrow when I have to say goodbye, well, I'm a grandmother and I can do what I want and you'll just have to deal with the fallout. Which won't be pretty. You have been warned upfront. Because while I want to stay, I have to go. I'm soooo glad I had this experience and hopefully I wasn't too dorky that they'll be okay with inviting me again. And in being in full disclosure, when you invite me, know full well that I'll so accept.  I'll try NOT to be a PIA. Grandparents, however, can claim that option with no repercussions. I heard that somewhere so it must be true. I'm so going with it. 

Saturday, February 25, 2012

April showers will bring a Murphy baby.....

Beautiful owl cake that was chocolate and so sweet.
 Favors and card for your hopes for the baby.
 Raking in the loot.
 My sister-in-laws and nieces.
 The grandma and mama to bes.
 Mama-to-be and her adorablel helper.
Mama-to-be opening my present - mini album.
 And my baby blanket.
Thankfully she loved both.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Normal everyday things....

Such as laundry, cleaning, cooking.
Being sympathetic to an ailing spouse.
Preparing for travel.
Getting lodging settled.
Getting upgraded to first class.

Monday, February 20, 2012

As weekends go.....

This one wasn't so bad.
It would've been lovely if DH wasn't 
battling a sinus infection and feeling puny. 
All things told though, I got together with
friends for a pizza and massage party.
I was a wet noodle after.
Monday starts laundry and anticipation
in traveling north for a baby shower.
Can't wait to see family and friends.

Friday, February 17, 2012


Are beautiful, funny, and odd.
You gotta love them.
Anyway, nothing scrappy happening yesterday
however, I was building the activity points
by bike riding, rug scrubbing and tile cleaning.
And boy do they sparkle. 
AND I lost 3.4 lbs this week.
Go me!