Sunday, March 23, 2008

Farewell Speech

Okay malam ni disebabkan aku keseorang dan kesunyian sepertimana malam2 yg lain, aku tekad bukak laptop untuk type atau luahkan sarcasm yg terbuku di benakku ini…

This morning when I was on my way to my office (overtime of course), I was imagining…how if one day (if laa…ok) I have to say goodbye to my colleague in Agilent? What do I have to say in my last speech on the farewell lunch…hurm I didn’t think it thoroughly though I but I think it’s going to be a good speech hehe…here how it goes…

Afternoon everyone…wow (pheww) I never thought putting all of these years of my experiences with Agilent on my rearview mirror is harder than giving birth to my first child (haha)…but anyway, first of all thanks to Greg for the faith that he had in me which brings him to hire me as the RCC co-ordinator. If it wasn’t for him, I might not been here all these years. Thanks again to you Greg…

Ok next thanks a lot to my counterpart, Kim Lean and all of my colleagues the AEs and Toh who has been like a family to me. Thanks for all the loves and cares you gave to me throughout these years…I couldn’t survive this cutthroat job (haha). No seriously everytime I felt distress or depressed there’s always someone to cheer me up so that I have more determination to continue my job.

Thanks to Yus: who always been like a brother to me, being understanding and supportive in any situation I’ve been through
To Haniff: who has been a friend who always there to talk to
To Azwan: who has been also like a brother to me,guiding and working together and please don’t be too serious while working because u might dying without you even know it.
To Firdaus,Zul & Deen: friends to fight and laugh with which actually a real cheap botox treatment for me
To Jerry: who always being so helpful and warm, just like Kah Aik,Boon Keng & William.
To Beng Hooi: you still a mystery to me…I found you funny and serious at the same time which kinda weird feeling though.

Thanks all for the support I’ve blessed with al these years. Well you know how this job really is when we or I have to survive between the fist of production or CM and cal lab.

But my job has been so much fun, I’ve learn a lot all these years…my job was more like babysitting 3 kids with their own attitude problem (haha). One of them who has been a bit spoiled like…”mommy I broke my watch this morning can I have a new one? Like….now? I really really need it now…please it’s urgent”…
Then I’ll say,”sure hun, let me break your legs then you tell me which one you need more urgently”…I’m sure if anyone here have the IQ above 100 can understand and know who my first child is…

The second one is like,”mommy my PS2 controller is jammed and need repair, can you loan it from our neighbor while you’re buying a new one for me because I’m this close to win the final stage of counter strike and my fingers can’t afford to rest from the controller even one day”…now this is kinda good child of mine because he state me the problem and at the same time suggesting a ridiculous solution. Then I’ll say, ”God blessed you with two side of brain, why don’t you use any side of that to figure out what else you can do with you damn fingers before I show you what I can do with mine”.

The third child of mine is kinda ok…didn’t make much noise since he’s quite new…still an infant…he’s like,”Mommy, the milk I just drank and hour ago is about to dissolve from my system and will be hungry soon. Can you prepare for lactating in 15 minutes?” This kid at first was good actually but soon enough I kinda feel like he’s my event organizer.

But anyway, they’re still a good experiences to me and I couldn’t express myself how good it was and I hope the memories keep on blooming in my heart. I’m sure gonna miss you all and I hope the new RCC co-ordinator is a much way better co-ordinator than me. Thanks to you all again.

Hari Mabuk Sedoniaaaaa

Huhu sejak akhir2 ni nasik dah tak berapa laku di mata dan seleraku...membuatkan aku maha lapar kadang2 tu...terpaksa la kaver mkn makanan lain...baru ni balik opis tingin nk mkn goreng pisang.

kebetulan mak bg pisang nangka dari kampung yg mmg yum yum tebaboo balik2 tu rest kejap then goreng la...itulah dinner aku pd hr tu...huhuh sedey kan...janji tk keluar balik udah la...

hubby keja malam so melantak sesorang la...sempat lagi snap pic hikhik...macam la sedap tp ok je...habeh jgak la seme ni aku bantai sorang...

Monday, March 17, 2008

First View

Last week 12 March aku pi visit nearest Klinik Kesihatan utk first time check up...fuhh nak muntah jugak aku tunggu lompat dari bilik ke bilik...dpt la sebundle vitamin n pills...

petang tu pi GMC pulak utk follow up check on previous weeks case huhu...gerun giler...scan guna transvaginal ultrasound scan...sakit sakit sikit la...sakit tu hilang lepas tgk image kat monitor scanner tak caya ke yg itu dlm rahim aku? kandungan aku?? ye ke?? hiks hiks...seb baik doc sporting...aku mintak satu copy dia pun bg kat aku....shayaaaang doc suresh hiks...

ni la pic nya...usaha aku scan nih...jgn tk tau...

apa2 pun still awal lagi...baru 7 weeks ms ni...skrg dah dua bulan...still dlm first trimester...first trimester ni yg kena jaga betul2 dan macam2 leh jadi time tkleh nk seronok sgt nnt effect sendirik punya psikologi...aku berdoa semuanya berjalan dgn lancar tanpa sebarang masalah...aminnn...

org lain morning sikcness...aku maghrib sickness...lepas maghrib je mesti pening meloya...muntah yg sungguh2 sampai keluar air2 hidung...lepas selesai tu...baru lega then baru boleh makan....kalau tidak...nehi2 jgn gatai nk makan...kang buat sakit tekak je muntah...

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Boria daaa

Huhu 2 minggu ni busy sgt dengan kerja sampai tk sempat nak update blog...

Sabtu lepas pi Kulim kenduri umah pakcik Mad Long kawan baek mak...aku beriya2 la bersiap2 then pakai la baju yg baru siap dijahit tu...kain satin benang hitam tanah hitam ada bunga hijau then batu2 sikit...

dalam kul 1 tu sampai la umah kenduri dgn mak abah n hubby...sambil2 duk jalan ke arah umah kenduri tu (lpas kuar dr keta) aku nampak dari jauh...haiiiiii apsai lain macam aja nihhhh...

aku pakai lense hr tu so vision aku kurang baik la sbb silau aku aku konfiden apa yg aku lihat niiiiii...ada satu group depan umah kenduri tu semua baju sama sejibik sejibon dgn aku...aiyaaaa lasa macam mau balik lumah tukaq baju loooo...tak caya, tgk pic ni...muka aku pun dah tk semanis masa kuar umah hahahha saja je buat tragik...

haiii nk buat cemana...dah terboria...pakat gelak aaa aku dgn pakcik mad dan bini dia...siap pesan lg 7 org nk kenduri ni tepon dlu habaq nk pakai baju kaler apa ehhehehe...pakcik mad ni anak ppuan 6 orang - ada 2 kembar...lg sorang anak sedara dia...yg kawen ni anak sedara dia tp buat di umah dia...ahakss...mmg kelakar gile hr tu...

Sunday, March 2, 2008


herm dah dekat sebulan lebih tk tgk wayang so semalam ajak hubby tgk Dunia Baru The Movie...cete dah lama tp baru nk tgk...nasib baik panggung kat BJ still screening...kalau tak mmg kempunan la ku...

hubby balik keja ke, maghrib then terus keluar...showing 830...seronok jugak cerita ni...yelah sbb dah minat yg siri mesti la best lak rasa macam masa2 bercinta dlu tgk2 wayang ni hehe...

balik2 tu tapau nasik goreng...then layan MU lawan first half saja daaa..then aku ngan hubby terr zzzzzz....sampai kul 2 pagi tjaga bangun tido dlm bilik...

seblum terlelap tu sempat teringat...astaghfirullahala'zim...aku belum isyak...hubby pun sama...last2 kul 6 baru isyak...seb baik subuh lewat skrg ni...jgn la contohi sikap ni...dah berat sgt mata masa tu...huhuhu


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