Showing posts with label MMSC132. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MMSC132. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Making Memories.......MMSC132- Midnight Madness Tuesday

Tuesday is a day I always look forward to in blogville! Priscilla always provides us with great sketches to work with through the Midnight Madness Challenge  and we get to work with her art. The priscillastyles design team always use Priscilla's personal images! This week I am working with Winter Christmas Skates, this image as well as all of Priscilla's images can be found at her store.

Before I show you my card let's look at the sketch for this week. 
This weeks's "YOUR PICK" Make it fancy, clean and simple, or somewhere in-between.

I put a winter scene behind the skates so they would appear to be hanging on the inside of the house. Using glitter pens to color the garland gave it a touch of bling and vibrant colors. I also used prismacolors for the board the skates are hanging from. The tag is computer generated attached to a ribbon, some nestibilities, tiny silver bows and a touch of bling in the corner finished off the outside.
The inside also features the image with a computer tag to go along with the poem I included, Making Memories. Here is a better look at the poem:
Simple, sweet, little poem, right? It took me forever to find a poem that would compliment the vintage feel of the skates, the winter scene, the paper I had used and keep with a "yesteryear" feel. I finally decided to use this one mainly because I must had read a bazillion poems that were great but didn't go with the card or were too long to include. I can get lost in my own rabbit trails....LOL!!
Here's one more look:
Thank you so much for stopping in today to take a look around and to share your comments and thoughts. I hope you have enjoyed this weeks project as much as I did making it! I also hope you will be playing along with us at Midnight Madness, it is a pleasure to see all your ideas come to life!
Many Blessings!

MMSC132-Midnight Madness
Bunny Zoe's Crafts-Anything Christmas
Make It Monday-Anything Goes
My Craft Spot: Monday-Christmas Through the Window
The Shabby Tea Room-Photo Inspiration-Winter Picnic
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