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Thursday, May 7, 2009

Who Are You and Who Am I?

They judge my dreams, eagerness and my hope that someday my business will make me quit my job. They see me someone arrogant. That's why I kept my mouth shut to people who are supposed to be there to support me. I kept my ups and down HOPES about building my business, to keep them from judging me. They are laughing behind my back.

I try my best to make my time worthy. I love dreaming and hoping. I like working on reaching my dreams. I dont care if I fail or succeed, as long as I enjoy what I am doing.

But what about them? they enjoy watching TV but complaining about their life without doing nothing to get what they want. Will I judge them?

Who am I to judge them? And Who are they to judge me? Who am I to laugh on their way of living? But who are they to laugh on my dreams. We are all created equal in the eyes of our Holy God. Noone has the right to judge anyone but GOD.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Rudeness Of Using Language

I feel bad how one of my white canadian co-workers feel about Filipinos when talking in Tagalog infront of other races. About 85% of the employees at work are Filipinos and talking in Filipino most of the time. Making other races feel left out.

I really think it is very rude to speak language or dialect infront of someone who dont understand the language or dialect. I was the only one who came to her and talk. She burst into words abour how rude Filipinos are. And I feel so ashame for my fellow Filipinos for not using the right ethics. Common, it is rude!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Waitiing For Real Wholesale Inquiries

Another wholesale inquiry for my products few minutes ago. I wonder when will all these inquiries will turn into something to start with. I am happy that my page is effective enough to make someone interested to do business with me. I just hope that one of these days, I will get something more valuable than just inquiring.

I started yahoo ppc campaign and my ads will show up anytime today. I want to compare the traffics from Google Adwords and Yahoo. It's good learn all this things as an online marketer. I dont expect anything big but learning along the way can be good.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

My Father Is Leaving

I didn't went to church today. I have a terrible headache and I dont want to go to church sober. I hope God can understand me.

My father will go back to the Philippines on May 24. I feel kinda sad. I dont know when will I see him again after this. I haven't seen my mother for 3 years now. It is so hard to leave far from my parents. I wish I can make them stay here in Canada, but my mother dont like it here. Also, we have a business back home and they can't leave it just like that.

My brother will be here soon too, when they get the approval of their Immigrant Application. My parents will be alone in the Philippines and I am worry thinking about that. This is one of the reasons why I started a business. I am hoping that it will make me quit my job so I can go to the Philippines often to look after my parents. Or perhaps go back to the Philippines for good. I am thinking of putting up a business there while still selling online. But I need some money to do that though. Ahh I hope God will always be there for them

Friday, May 1, 2009

Private Labeling, Dropshipping Inquiries

I am so happy that the PPC campaign is working. I just need a little more work to do to have more exposure. I have one private labeling inquiry from the PPC campaign and one dropshipping inquiry from the manufacturer site that I registered with.

I really need to work on my wholesale pages so wholesale inquiries will have easier access on my wholesale prices. But I have to create new colors for my Ultimate Foundation and Mineral Eyeshadow. Weekend is just too short to do everything. Ahhh I will not stressed myself on this. I might try to finish the wholesale page first and if I have the time to do the new colors for my Mineral Makeup, then I will do it. But to be honest, it's more fun to created colors for my Mineral Makeup.