Sunday, November 16, 2008

His name...

A lot of people have asked us how we chose the name Max for our little boy. Honestly- it just fit. We had a list of boy names that we were considering but when we heard about his heart condition we both just knew that Max was the perfect name. In fact, Spencer and I were in the room with the doctor and the technician performing the echo cardiogram and we just looked at each other and said almost simultaneously, "He's Max" as we watched his image on the screen.
People who know us closely know that Spencer is a huge BYU fan. This year the BYU football team is doing pretty darn well and a big part of their success is because they have a great quarterback, Max Hall. Some people have asked us if we are naming our Max after Max Hall and the answer is no. So even though our boy will be named Max and shares the name with the current BYU quarterback it is just a coinciedence- but Spencer thinks it is one awesome coincidence! We love our little Max and are big Max Hall fans too (as evident with our t-shirts)!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Hospital Tour...

Tonight Spencer and I were able to take a tour of Legacy Emanuel Hospital. That is the hospital where Max will be born and where his surgeries will be performed. It was a maternity tour so we were able to see the labor and delivery ward as well as the family birthing center which is the recovery area for mom and newborns.
The lady hosting the tour was able to answer all of our questions and it was very reassuring to actually see the rooms that I will be staying in. With all the unknown regarding Max's health after he is born, it was nice to take this tour in order to help me feel more prepared. I was impressed with the labor and delivery rooms- very spacious and comfortable. The recovery rooms were quite small but there isn't much I can do to change that. I had a very positive experience delivering at the Salem Hospital so I hope that Emanuel will be the same.
Since we went on a group tour the information we received was pretty general. We are hoping to schedule a private tour of the Newborn ICU soon and have more specific questions answered regarding Max. It is pretty amazing to think that Max will be here in 2 months! Going on the tour just made things seem more real. I got nervous thinking through the whole labor and delivery process but at the same time I know all those aches and pains will melt away the moment I see Max.

Friday, November 7, 2008

That's my healthy boy...

I had an ultrasound and doctor's appointment today. Max is doing FANTASTIC! He weight is up to 3lbs 6oz which puts him in the 46% on a fetal growth chart! So he is growing and staying strong. What a relief. My doctor reassured me today that since his growth has stayed consistent he should stay on track to make it to a healthy birth weight which means a healthy sized heart!
For most pregnancies you only have 1 ultrasound. I love that I get to see Max so often since I have an ultrasound at every appointment. I am now getting good at being able to see the things the technicians see- it isn't all a blurry picture any more. It is amazing to watch him move around on the monitor. I get to see my baby move his little arms, open and close his mouth and watch his heart beating steadily. My favorite is watching his legs kick while simultaneously feeling those kicks against my tummy. I just love Max so much. It is going to be amazing having him be a part of our family.