Thursday, July 16, 2009

Guess who is 6 months old?

It is amazing how the last 6 months have gone by so quickly but have also been the longest 6 months of my life. I never knew I could run on so little sleep or handle so much stress, but I honestly can say that it was all worth it and I would do it all again in a heartbeat because this is the cutie pants that I get to snuggle every morning...

To say that Max is a sweet baby would be a huge understatement. He is the most darling, most endearing and gentle baby I have ever been around. He just smiles and loves everyone. He really does not cry very much and he is starting to sleep through the night. I just love him so much. We really struggled with the recovery from his second surgery but now that his body is feeling healthy his little angel spirit is really shining through.

Compared to other 6 month old babies Max is not far behind. His verbal development is right on track and he is starting to catch up with his muscular development. His neck and back muscles are still weak for a baby his age so we are going to be starting some early intervention physical therapy with him. But overall his pediatrician could not be prouder of him. She really has been surprised with how well Max is doing considering that a huge chunk of his time has been spent in the hospital or recovering. Right now Max is in the 5-10% for his weight (he has stayed in that same % so even though he is small he is growing at a steady and healthy rate) and height is 50% (yeah for tall genes from the Kelly side).

So we great check-up with his pediatrician but even better was his check-up with his cardiologist. When we first went into the appointment with Dr. King I asked how long Max will need to be on his prescription medication to regulate his blood pressure. The doctor simply stated that for a patient with Max's condition it would probably be a long term necessity although the exact prescription would be adjusted as he got bigger. Max then got a physical and and had an echocardiogram done. The results... amazing! Max's oxygen levels were around 82! When he had his second surgery the doctors were all hoping that his oxygen would stay between 75 and 85. Right on Max. Also, after taking a closer look at Max's heart rhythms, blood pressure and blood flow Dr. King said that Max did not need to be on any more prescriptions! Max's body has totally adjusted and regulated to the changes that happened during his surgeries! Incredible. Max's heart is still not, and never will be, totally healthy but the fact that his body has figured out how to efficiently work with his little mixed up heart is a miracle.

The end results from both doctors... Max is doing great! We do not need to see the pediatrician until he is ready for his 9 month check-up and we don't need to see his cardiologist for another 4 months! Whoo-hoo! Max has proved it to us and his doctors that he is healthy and although we will always be concerned about his heart, Max is a champion and I am so proud of my boy. He has overcome so much in his short, sweet life. Now this chapter of our lives is over. There is still a lot to be written about Max and his heart of gold but for now our focus can shift from medication, hospitals and doctor visits to giggling, playing, getting stronger and enjoying the summer!

The Max Report

-Max has starting eating solid foods. So far he has only had rice cereal, sweet potatoes, green beans and applesauce

-Max still does not take a pacifier and much prefers to suck on his fingers, a blanket or the collar of your shirt

-Max LOVES Morgen. He will just watch in awe as his brother sings to him, plays with him or simply plays next to him.

-Max is a cuddle bug through and through.

-Max really enjoys being outside. If he is having a fussy spell he usually can be calmed down by just stepping out onto the balcony.

-Max is really good in the car. I don't know what he does back there but he usually doesn't make a peep.

-Max will let anyone hold him and his very good at flashing his gummy smile to strangers.

-Max's scar is really sensitive. If you run your fingers along his chest he always squirms and smiles.

-Max has a darling little giggle but you really have to work hard to get that giggle out of him. He is quick to smile but not as quick to laugh.

-Max takes a morning nap, an afternoon nap (at the same time as Morgen- yeah for me), and an evening nap on daddy's chest (he absolutely loves sleeping on daddy's chest).

-Max is starting to play more with toys. He likes to grab, shake and taste anything that is within his reach.

-Max really likes taking baths and going swimming.

-Max still does not have any teeth but he is starting to drool more and more which makes me think those teeth are not far behind.

-When Max wakes up in the morning or from a nap he does not cry. Usually when I go to get him out of bed he is just patiently waiting with a huge grin on his face.

-If Max gets upset he has a really cute pouty lip.

-Max really likes to play patty cake.

-Max still gets comments all the time about his big, round eyes.

-Max knows how to click his tongue and blow raspberries.

-Max likes it when you nibble on his cheeks and toes.

-Max likes to be naked and it usually makes him really hyper.

-Max's nicknames: Mighty Max, Maximilian, Tark, Mr. Moo, Maxy boy, Boo

And some pictures of our Max...

Big eyes and messy face.

Whoa, sunglasses!

So sleepy.

Twinkle eyes and finger sucking.

Bath time happiness.

All smiles.

I love you a million my mighty Max!