Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year

happy new blog!

myorangevest has reached its final chapter, but there are always new stories to tell.
in the name of chikletz, i declare 2012 to be an awesome year!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Getting There

some people say change is good. some say the opposite.
some changes were part of our decisions. some were just plain inevitable. 

i guess it's just a cycle that we have to live through. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


my allergies are taking forever to go away. i'm tired of sneezing, crying, and having a stuffy and runny nose. it never fails. whenever the weather starts getting all crazy and unpredictable my allergies kick in and torture me. it's so hard to work when my eyes are crying all the time. i can't afford to get sick right now. i'm in the middle of a big project. my family's moving to a new house so i'm packing up tons of stuff. i need to get better and i need to get better now.

i'm looking forward to this move--a new beginning and i hope it's a good one. change is scary, but sometimes taking risks is inevitable. i'm taking another big risk in life at the moment and i'm scared shitless, but it is something i have to do in order to grow and progress so i hope i don't fail. i'm crossing all my fingers because i have never faced such a big change in my life before. wish me tons of good luck because i'm really going to need it--all of it!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

It's Been So Long

this is an attempt to get back to blogging again.

it has been a while and i've been so out of touch. i've been so lazy and busy at the same time. things were in the way and i just did not have a clear mind these past few months. there were a few times when i wanted to close this down, but then i also felt bad putting my written works to waste. a few minutes ago i tried working out my legs and my abdomen. summer is coming up and the summer body needs to come anyway, i was doing a work out similar to Manny Pacquiao's, but not as hellish. i did four 30-second counts, meaning i only worked out for two minutes and let me tell felt fabulous afterwards. it was my first time in a long time doing such a workout. i sincerely hope i can get in the habit of working out daily--with longer workouts that is. my lazy butt needs to do something productive.

i am currently on my summer break from school and my last day of work is in a couple of weeks. i'd be broke as a kidding, but i'd be damned fit. aha aha. i am, in no doubt, looking forward to this summer break. i hope it's one heck of a pause from a stressful time in life. then after the break i start my student teaching which i find very exciting. four months of that and i can finally get my bachelor's degree and the diploma my parents have been dreaming of since my birth. i don't have the interest to walk to the stage, but i guess i'll just have to do it for my parents. i do want to wear the graduation gown, though. i bet i'd look bad ass in it. actually, i know that i'd definitely look bad ass in it.

the downside to the sweet success is the after party. graduation is life's way of telling you: get a job that can support you and your family. there are no jobs!! curse! curse! curse! i think i need to move out of this place. i may be working in the wrong country. ah whatevs. i'm surviving and everything is still all good. gotta be thankful, right. i'll end this here for now. i hope i come back soon. crossing my fingers and my toes.