Monday, March 09, 2015

New Fantastic Archaeological Find

Yes, Jewish history in the Land of Israel as related by Jewish sources is correct.

As now released:

A Cache of Rare Coins and Silver and Bronze Objects from
2,300 Years Ago was Discovered

This is about another find of a cache of rare coins and silver and bronze objects 2,300 years old, in a cave in northern Israel. Three spelunkers lowered themselves down the stalactite cave, and the youngest member forced his way into one of the narrow niches when he suddenly caught sight of a shining object. 

The Israel Antiquity Authority announced:

There he discovered two ancient silver coins which it later turned out had been minted during the reign of Alexander the Great who conquered the Land of Israel at the beginning of the Hellenistic period (late fourth century BCE). Several pieces of silver jewelry were found alongside the coins, among them rings, bracelets and earrings, which were apparently concealed in the cave, together inside a cloth pouch some 2,300 years ago.

In the opinion of archaeologists at the Israel Antiquities Authority, “The valuables might have been hidden in the cave by local residents who fled there during the period of governmental unrest stemming from the death of Alexander, a time when the Wars of the Diadochi broke out in Israel between Alexander’s heirs following his death. Presumably the cache was hidden in the hope of better days, but today we know that whoever buried the treasure never returned to collect it”.

...The IAA inspectors...believe they have found artifacts in the cave that first date to the Chalcolithic period c. 6,000 years ago; from the Early Bronze Age c. 5,000 years ago, the Biblical period 3,000 years ago and the Hellenistic period approximately 2,300 years ago. Numerous pottery vessels were also discovered in the cave...

Photographic credit: Shmuel Magal, courtesy of the Israel Antiquities Authority.

So satisfying. 

Jewish narrative justified.


Sunday, March 08, 2015

Where's The Green Line?

From a World War II mobilization poster to encourage Jewish residents of Mandatory Palestine to enlist in the British Army:

That's right.  

No Green Line.

All of the territory from the sea to the river (the area beyond was categorized as 'postponed') was to be 'closely settled' by Jews.


Thursday, March 05, 2015

Sidra Does Esther - and Netanyahu

Sidra DeKoven Ezrahi identifies herself as Professor Emerita of Comparative Literature at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and a Guggenheim Fellow. She's the wife of far-out Leftist Bernard Avishai who republished her and termed the Netanyahu speech as "conceived as a political stunt". She has written for the radical Tikkun, attacked Elie Weisel in the Int'l Herald Tribune and lied there or was woefully ignorant about Muslims residing in West Jerusalem.  I seem to recall some controversy about her first work but as I cannot now find the proper reference, I'll skip that.

She now has published an op-ed in - of course, Haaretz - which analyzes the Biblical reference of Binyamin Netanyahu to the Book of Esther and claims

By invoking Purim, Netanyahu calls for a preemptive strike on Iran
The Israeli prime minister conveniently ignores the first eight chapters of the Book of Esther, recruiting only the revenge tragedy part to justify his agenda.

She introduces her literary deconstruction so:

The Netanyahu approach ignores the first part of the Purim narrative, which is a comedy, and reflects only on the second part, a revenge tragedy, recruiting the popular version of the story to justify his militant position against Iran...Parody, masque, commedia dell‘arte: what this text reflects in its early chapters is the comic impulse...[of the Jews who lived in the Babylonian, Persian and even the Hellenistic diaspora]...the Book of Esther is a fantasy...

Then, she gets angry:

...comedy has turned into revenge tragedy, an explosion of blood-curdling violence — not by Persians against innocent Jews, but by Jews against innocent Persians. granted permission to preemptively slaughter all who have received the order to kill the Jews. There is no textual hint that these Persians ever took up arms – “no one dared to stand up against them, out of the fear that they instilled” [9:2]. Yet the Jews go ahead and slaughter 500 innocent people in the satrapies that belong to the King. Then sweet Esther, the beguiling descendant of Babylonian exiles, wife of the clueless Ahasverus – whom little girls will emulate in gauzy costumes for centuries to come – asks for, and is granted, another day of slaughter: in the capital city of Shushan alone, 300 people are slaughtered, and in the surrounding satrapies 75,000 are slaughtered 
Like, this is so wrong. 

First of all, she could have written that Bibi should send a female agent into someone's bed. That would have been at least commensurate with spy literature.

Secondly, there actually was excellent diplomacy until the taking up of arms. 

Third, the killing was indeed of "enemies".  Here's Chapter. 9. verses 5-6,

And the Jews smote all their enemies with the stroke of the sword, and with slaughter and destruction, and did what they would unto them that hated them. And in Shushan the castle the Jews slew and destroyed five hundred men.
Fourth, a preemptive strike on Iran's nuclear capabilities isn't really a bad idea.

Fifth, Secretary of State Kerry is, reportedly, willing to promise a nuclear umbrella so maybe he is willing to kill some innocents.

Six, to borrow a phrase from the Obama White House, does she present a viable alternative?



After a night's rest and after a fourth reading of the Meggilah (here in Shiloh, as we are in doubt whether indeed a wall existed around the site of the Tel at the time of Joshua bin Nun, we celebrate two days - imagine how perverted our little girls must be), besides the throwaway reference to the King's sanctioning of the defensive attack on the enemies of the Jews, there are other aspects I think needs be stressed.

The obvious one is that no one had smartphones or Internet connection then and sending messages around on horseback was a communcations system that would assure that Jews would be killed if any Jew simply depended on some called either Esther or Hadassah told them they could safely walk the streets. That the Persians were afraid does not mean they weren't intending to kill the Jews and Ezrahi should know that fear is a great motivator to kill.

Moreover, the Hebrew text uses two terms "enemies" (אויבים) but also "haters" (שונאים) [see verse 1, 5 & 16 in that chapter 9].  That is an irrational and emotional state that cannot and, at that time, would not dissipate overnight and they'd probably disbelieve the retraction order.  These persons were surely proper targets.  Incidentally, the Leket Tov comments that the phrase that the Jews congregated in their cities indicated many had fled to the hills and distant villages from fear and I presume that they knew their neighbors better than Ezrahi (and Netanyahu knows the Iranians better than her, as well).

All in all, this is a corruption of the text and I will not pass judgment whether the story is historically true.


Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Harf Barf

we didn’t hear any – certainly any new ideas today, but more importantly, didn’t hear one single concrete alternative in today’s speech from the Prime Minister about how we could get to a double-digit duration, push breakout time to a year, and cut off the four pathways Iran could have – use to get to missile – excuse me, fissile material for a nuclear weapon.So the Prime Minister, I think, kept referring to what a “better deal” could look like in some generic terms but did not lay out at all what that “better deal” might be. It was sort of a hypothetical that he put out there, really all rhetoric and nothing more.

Marie Harf


Netanyahu in Washington - GraphicZionism


Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Letter on Kristoff Not Published

I sent this letter to the NYTimes but they didn't publish it (as usual):-

In one of two recent articles on Israel, Nicholas Kristoff writes that American politicians need to remember "which Israel to support" ("The Two Israels, Mar. 1) after to talking with agitprop activist Asher Ascherman but in another ("The Human Stain", Feb. 26) admits that he "could have talked to settler children traumatized by Palestinian violence", but didn't.  That is an admission of unethical journalism.  His lack of professional standards also leads him to believe, and publish, claims of an Arab farmer from Sinjil, where I live, that "settlers" cut down "5,000 trees last year...with shears or uprooted them” with no further substantiation or reaction from the "guilty" or an official Israeli agency.

Those claims, as many others in his columns, are fabricated and are weapons of propaganda engagement employed by Arabs to enchant visiting media people. Their purpose is to undercut American support for Israel to which his hand and keyboard has been extended.  Facts would better serve all but there were little in his pieces.  I live there and I know but Mr. Kristoff had no time or inclination to get the full story.


Monday, March 02, 2015

Netanyahu and Politically-Correct Language

I spotted this in a GPO press release communicated from the Prime Minister's Office:

Schedule for PM Netanyahu's Address
(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will, tomorrow (Tuesday, 3 March 2015), address a joint session of the US Congress. The schedule of events is as follows (all times US Eastern Standard Time):

...10:25 – Meet with US House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner (R-OH). Speaker Boehner will present PM Netanyahu with a head sculpture of Winston Churchill with an inscription of the PM's name and the date of his address. 

"Head sculpture"? 

I was taught that the term is a "bust".

"bust [buhst]
a sculptured, painted, drawn, or engraved representation of the upper part of the human figure, especially a portrait sculpture showing only the head and shoulders of the subject"


Netanyahu Mulling His Speech


Some "GraphicZionism".


Sunday, March 01, 2015

Temple Mount Removal

Don't get excited.

The headline means that there was a removal at and from the Temple Mount, not that itself was removed:

The source claims tree branches and other weather damage remains.


The Anti-Susan Rice Ad



Thursday, February 19, 2015

The Incoming But No Warning Map

Based on the map that was used during Operation Protection Edge this past summer to warn the populace of in-coming rockets/missiles, this map was created which is the one that would be used if, as presumed, Hamas comes to rule Judea and Samaria once Israel retreats/withdraws:

The legend, at the top left reads:

15 Seconds
30 Seconds
45 Seconds
One Minute
A minute and a half
Three minutes

Everthing clear?

(thanks to GS)


Monday, February 16, 2015

Netanyahu's Nazi-like Screenshot

How to turn a Zionist calling for Jews to come home after being threatened and killed in countries who seem lax to protect the Jews into a ... Nazi?

(thanks to LR)


Sunday, February 15, 2015

Brutal and Outrageous

This report just came in, or did it?

US President Barack Obama has denounced the killing of the Jewish guard shot by a Muslim in Copenhagen, Denmark as a "brutal and outrageous murder".  In a statement, Mr Obama said no one should be targeted for "what they look like" or "how they worship".

Oh, sorry, I mixed things up.

This is what he said after criticism from Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan over Obama's silence on the killing of three Muslims:

US President Barack Obama has denounced the killing of three Muslim students in Chapel Hill, North Carolina as "brutal and outrageous murders".  In a statement, Mr Obama said no one in the US should be targeted for "what they look like" or "how they worship".


Thursday, February 12, 2015

Terrible Temple Mount Sign

The Islamists are terribly upset:

Israeli Municipality Hangs “Temple Mount” Sign near Al-Aqsa

The Israeli Municipality of West Jerusalem set up, on Wednesday, a sign reading “Temple Mount”, in reference to the nearby al-Aqsa Mosque compound.  The sign, which was placed near Al Nather Gate, was made available in three languages: Hebrew, Arabic and English, according to WAFA Palestinian News & Info Agency.

Jews refer to the site as the “Temple Mount,” claiming it as the site of two Jewish temples destroyed in ancient times. The site is home to the third holiest mosque in Islam, and houses the al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock.

The site is located in occupied East Jerusalem, taken by Israel from Jordan in 1967, but under an agreement to keep the site under Jordanian jurisdiction.


The Jordan-run Islamic Waqf Department, which has administrative jurisdiction over the compound, said the hanging of a sign featuring the term “Temple Mount” instead of the internationally recognized Islamic term, Al-Aqsa Mosque, is nothing but an attempt to “Judaise” the holy site and the city of Jerusalem.

I found it after a search:

In the meantime,

Ambassador of Jordan to Israel Walid Ubeidat on Wednesday visited the al-Aqsa Mosque in the Old City of Jerusalem where he was hosted by director of the Jerusalem office of the Palestinian Ministry of Endowment Sheikh Azzam al-Khatib.  Ubeidat toured the al-Aqsa compound accompanied by Sheikh al-Khatib and other officials and met with chairman of the Jerusalem council of endowment Sheikh Abd al-Atheem Salhab.

But on Wednesday, others visited

Dozens of Israeli rightists and intelligence officers entered the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound on Wednesday via the Moroccan Gate.  Witnesses told Ma'an that 55 Israelis, including rightists, intelligence officers, and students, toured the holy site.

Palestinian worshipers chanted "Allah Akbar", or "God is Great", as a small group attempted to perform religious rituals in the compound.  Another group of Jewish students sat on the ground and raised the victory sign with their hands before begin escorted out of the area by Israeli police, witnesses added.

All they want to do is approach God, find spirituality, fulfill their lawful rights, halt illegal damage to historical and archaeological remains and seek coexistence.



Tuesday, February 10, 2015

A Graphic Zionist Comment


(with apologies)


Save and Protect The Muslim Child

After due consideration, I felt that the children being used in the Islamist anti-Jewish campaign at the Temple Mount is an issue that international and local pro-children organizations should be addressing.

And so, I challenged them to get involved.

Here's my letter to them:

To Whom It May Concern,
 Recently, extremist Islamic groups have harnessed into their activities to prevent freedom of access to and the freedom of worship of Jews within the Temple Mount compound underage children.  They employ these children to engage in actions of provocation such as coming into close proximity with Jews, standing in their way to obstruct their progress while walking in the area, screaming and yelling at them, waving their arms, shouting out slogans, using insulting language and other forms of activity.  All this can lead to the children being arrested or harmed by police.
 In doing this, the adults involved are unfairly and immorally taking advantage of the children, keeping them out of school, abusing them, maltreating and endangering them.  They are forcing the children to be placed in situations that can result in violence.
 A short video clip of such activity can be viewed here:
 Published material is here:
 These children are being exploited, physically and emotionally abused and as such, their rights are being violated.
 I call upon all the relevant agencies to investigate and to involve themselves in halting this illegal activity.
 The suspected abusers include the Islamic Religious Trust - Waqf, the Islamic Movement/North and the Palestinian Authority, among others.
 I await your responses and updates as to actions you have taken to prevent such a reality.

Among the recipients:

Action for Child Rights 

International Red Cross

United Nations Human Rights Council

Arab Institute for Human Rights


Defence for Children - Palestine

The Israel National Council for the Child

and others.

The first response:

Dear Mr. Medad,
In response to your letter of February 10, I would like to share with you an article we wrote on the subject of the use of children for the purpose of terror and war.The article was translated to a number of languages by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and was distributed around the world. Sincerely, Elizabeth LevyDirector of International Relations


Sunday, February 08, 2015

Relevant History Quotation Quiz

Who said this, when and about who?

“Where the hell does he get off inviting himself to the White House?” he shouted...

˙ſq˥ ɥʇᴉʍ ʇǝǝɯ oʇ uoʇƃuᴉɥsɐM oʇ ʎlɟ oʇ uoᴉʇuǝʇuᴉ sᴉɥ pǝɔunouuɐ puɐ lᴉɐɾ ɐɯlǝS ǝɥʇ ɟo ʇno ǝɯɐɔ ƃuᴉʞ ɹǝɥʇn˥ uᴉʇɹɐW uǝɥʍ ϛ96Ɩ ʎɹɐnɹqǝℲ uᴉ uosuɥoſ uopuʎ˥ ʇuǝpᴉsǝɹԀ

You weren't thinking about someone else, were you?


More Jewish Historical Narrative

Were Jews the indigenous residents of this ancient land?

Did Temples exist?

These are some of the topics our 'Palestinian' peace partners deny.

Another piece of evidence in an article in Atiqot 80:

Faunal Remains from the 1994–1996 Excavations at the Temple Mount, Jerusalem (pp. 19–34)
Ronny Reich, Ya‘akov Billig, Dalia Hakker-Orion and Omri Lernau

Keywords: archaeozoology, dietary laws, economics, ethnicity

This study focused on the faunal remains (N = 3618) retrieved from three strata unearthed above the Second Temple-period stone-paved road along the southern part of the western wall of the Temple Mount. The three strata date to the Early Roman (first century BCE and first century CE–70 CE; Stratum 4), the Late Roman–Byzantine (second–sixth centuries CE; Stratum 3) and the Early Islamic (seventh–eighth centuries CE; Stratum 2) periods. The faunal remains from the Early Roman period reflect the large amounts of waste created by the various populations in the city, with a predominance of Jewish pilgrims. Following the destruction of the city in 70 CE, the ethnic identity of the population changed, and pagans, related to the Roman army, and later, Christians, inhabited the city. This transition is clearly manifested in the faunal remains, which reflect the dietary and cultic habits of the population. At the outset of the Early Islamic period, the local population changed again, and the transition from Christian to Muslim population is apparent in the faunal evidence.


Friday, February 06, 2015

How Do You Translate 'Sprinkler'


So, is the Hebrew translation, a la those two signs, of 'sprinkler' is just that? 



מַמְטֵרָה; מַזְלֵף; מַתָּז

You could use 'mamtera' which is more an irrigration sprinkler of the spray variety but closest to the action of the water.

The 'mazlef' is more of a splash result, like out of a watering can.

The term 'mataz' is more a spray result.


Thursday, February 05, 2015

What Status?

This has been communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser:

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke this afternoon (Thursday, 5 February 2015), with King Abdullah II of Jordan. ..The Prime Minister noted the importance of the Jordanian ambassador's return to Israel and of the joint commitment to maintaining the status quo at the holy sites.



Exactly how?

Does Jordan respect the Jewish claim to the Temple Mount on Moriah?  Does it wish for coexistence? Respect for religious freedom?

How does Jordan see this situation?

Jordanian diplomacy made its most significant 2014 win in early November by successfully lifting the Israeli closure of Al Aqsa Mosque and repelling Israeli aggression [???] on Al Haram Al Sharif...Following incursions of Israeli security forces into Al Aqsa Mosque, Jordan withdrew its ambassador to Israel, Walid Obeidat, over violations in East Jerusalem.
 Parallel to the escalation of violence in East Jerusalem, King Abdullah led a diplomatic offensive [???] by contacting influential political centres, efforts..."King Abdullah and Jordanian diplomacy did their utmost to neutralise Israeli escalation of violence and incitement at Al Haram Al Sharif, using practical and diplomatic efforts to curb attempts of right-wing Zionist circles to seize Muslim shrines," [veteran diplomat and columnist Hasan] Abu Nimah said.

Somehow, I don't think the two leaders are communicating the same message.

And then there's this:

Netanyahu asserted Israel’s respect of the Hashemite custodianship of the holy sites in Jerusalem and the historic role of Jordan, in pursuance of the Jordanian-Israeli peace agreement, expressing the Israeli government’s commitment not to alter the status quo at Al Haram Al Sharif and Al Aqsa Mosque. King Abdullah reiterated Jordan’s rejection of any Israeli measures that may threaten or undermine the sanctity of the holy mosque, endanger the shrine, or lead to changing the status quo of the holy site.

Is there any sanctity at the site for Jews?   Any Jordanian commitment?

What's the Jewish status?


The V15 Clip and Its Message

Here's a screen snapshot from the new V15 clip, captioned "people like you":


Is that an import from the U.S.?

What does the campaign want?  Change:-

And who is the object of the campaign?

And they claim they are not political?


You can complain to the American IRS about their activity.


Herzog Claims 'Incitement'

Herzog says 'right-wing incitement reminiscent of days leading to Rabin assassination'



Wednesday, February 04, 2015

V15 Even Advertises at Drudgereport

Why would V15 place an ad at Drudgereport?

Snapped at 15:20 today.

How much does that cost?

How many Israelis read Drudgereport?

Are they targeting an elite socio-economic sector in Israel?

What is going on?



Some have noted to me its a Google-placed ad.

No difference to my point.  When you sign an advertising contract you know where Google, in this case, is going to place your ads.  It'll be specified.  Why target Drudgereport readers, even if located in Israel only?


Academics On Settlement

One of the sessions at the upcoming ASOR Annual Meeting which will be held in Atlanta, GA, from November 18th to 21nd, 2015:- 

Landscapes of Settlement in the Ancient Near East
Chairs: Emily Hammer, University of Chicago; Jesse Casana, University of Arkansas
Description: This session brings together scholars investigating regional-scale problems of settlement history and archaeological landscapes across the ancient Near East.  Research presented in the session is linked methodologically through the use of regional survey, satellite remote sensing, geophysics, geoarchaeology, and paleoenvironmental studies to document ancient settlements, communication routes, field systems, irrigation networks, and other evidence of human activity that is inscribed in the landscape.  Session participants are especially encouraged to offer analyses of these regional archaeological data that explore political, economic, and cultural aspects of ancient settlement systems as well as their dynamic interaction with the natural environment.

So, "settlements" is, perhaps, not that pejorative a term?

Or is it only when Jews are involved that somehow, those "settlements" become illegal, noxious, 'terror', unhelpful, etc.?

In any case, who wants to wait around for another 2000 years to find out what future academics will think of Shiloh, etc.?


What Do You Think Is The Proper Punishment?

What do you think is the proper punishment for this:

...on Saturday, 31 January 2015, Israeli forces killed a Palestinian boy and wounded and arrested another one in Burin village, south of Nablus.  According to PCHR's investigations and eyewitnesses' accounts, Israeli forces could have used less lethal means against the boy as they did with his friend. According to investigations conducted by PCHR, at approximately 18:20 on Saturday, 31 January 2015, a number of Palestinian boys from Burin village, south of Nablus, went to "Yitshar" settlement road, south of Nablus.  The boys stopped near the tunnel between Burin village and the adjacent Madama village a few meters away from the aforementioned road and threw Molotov Cocktails at the settlers' cars that were traveling on the road.  Israeli soldiers, who ambushed in the area, immediately opened fire at them...
 PCHR strongly condemns this crime which is part of Israel's policy of using excessive force against Palestinian civilians in disregard for their lives. Furthermore, PCHR calls upon the international community to take immediate and effective actions to stop the israeli crimes and reiterates its call for the High Contracting Parties to the 1949 Fourth Geneva Convention to fulfill their obligations under Article 1; i.e., to respect and to ensure respect for the Convention in all circumstances, and their obligation under Article 146 to prosecute persons alleged to commit grave breaches of the Fourth Geneva Convention. These grave breaches constitute war crimes under Article 147 of the same Convention and Protocol (I) Additional to the Geneva Conventions.

And what do you think about PCHR?

Opinion Trending

Who is better suited to deal with the key issues of the election campaign?: The rate of Jewish Israelis who think a government headed by Netanyahu is better suited to deal with issues of Israeli security (57.5%) is considerably higher than the rate who view a government headed by Tzipi Livni and Isaac Herzog as better suited to this task (27%). Similarly, a clear majority of the Jewish public (59%) estimates that the right-wing bloc has a better chance to form the government after the elections than the center-left bloc (27.5%). A segmentation of the Jewish interviewees’ responses to this question shows that among those planning to vote for the right-wing parties, an overwhelming majority are sure that the government will be formed by the right. Among voters for the center-left parties, however, in cases where a majority believes the government will be formed by the parties they plan to vote for, the majority is much smaller (indeed, among the interviewees who are planning to vote for Meretz, we found that the rate of those who expect the next government to be formed by the right-wing bloc is larger than the rate who think it will be formed by the center-left bloc—54% vs. 42% respectively).

Indeed, when the question is “Which bloc would you want to form the government after the coming elections?” the gap between the preferences for the two blocs narrows a bit, but here too the right-wing bloc has a clear lead over the center-left bloc (53% prefer the former, 38% the latter).

The Peace Index

Monday, February 02, 2015

Not Exactly

Found in the New York Times:

The tensions over Al Aqsa had accrued over a number of months, as some nationalist Israelis increasingly challenged a decades-old ban on Jewish prayer at the site, revered by Jews as the place where ancient temples once stood. Defiant visits by Israeli activists and politicians pushing for Jewish prayer rights, fierce clashes between Palestinian protesters and the police, and Israeli limitations on the entry of Muslim worshipers to the site all contributed to the recall of the Jordanian ambassador.

That was in a story on the return of Jordan's ambassador to Israel.

In there was this but, too:

Jordan is the official custodian of the sacred compound, the location of Al Aqsa Mosque and the golden Dome of the Rock. Israel is in charge of security.

This assertion of

Defiant visits 

by activists who

challenged a decades-old ban on Jewish prayer at the site

is a bit of what I would call "not exactly".

Almost all the Jewish ascenders to the Temple Mount, while they express the hope for the right of freedom of worship which is guaranteed by law, do not engage in prayer, except for less than a dozen instances of such activity over the last two years.  And yes, there were 2-3 instances of waving the Israel flag.

But the NYTimes is spinning the story ever so slightly yet enough to alter who is wrong and who is in the right.

The NYTimes fits its stories to its editorial line.


But Why Her Little Girls?

There has been flack about the 'Taliban-styled' ladies in the ultra-Orthodox sector.

Yesterday, I spotted a mother, two-daughters and an infant in a pushchair.

It took some maneuvering and espionage experience fieldwork, but here are the results:

They were walking along Meah Shearim Street, then turned into the main square area and then made a further turn up in the direction of the Meah Shearim central Yeshivah.


Sunday, February 01, 2015

If One Yields on Territory, One Can Concede on People

Chaim Weizmann decided to accept partion in 1937.

And this is what he said on August 4, 1937 at the 20th Zionist Congress (p. 286):

If a leader decides to yield up and surrender territory of Eretz-Yisrael, he will eventually decide to concede on the people of Israel.
