Friday, 18 November 2022

MTTC #495 Theme is Transportation

  Welcome to MTTC's #495 Theme of Transportation!

If you're crafting for the current season, possibilities of transportation could be cars or trucks transporting cut pine trees or loaded with luggage for a road trip. You can also plan ahead for Christmas/winter cards with sleighs, carriages, sleds, snowmobiles, etc. Or any transportation for other know how to creatively interpret this! 

Competition runs from November 18-December 1, 2022 with start and end times of 12am Central Time/Chicago or 6am UK. 


SPECIAL NOTE: The design team members have decided to NOT take a holiday break so we will keep our 2 week rotation going with our sister blog, My Time To Craft Christmas.


Our MTTC Design Team found time to craft these transportation-themed projects:


Becca S

                                                                           Mags B
                                                                            Card 1

                                                                      Card 2

Meenaa Herale 
(Video link on my blog)


Thanks, ladies! Another set of AMAZING inspiration projects to spark creativity! What a range represented in these DT projects--motorcycle, bicycles, VW bus, train, and pickup truck!!!


1st time participants at MTTC: please make sure to read the blog rules posted on the main blog page. 

All participants: bragging rights are possible if you submit 1-3 new themed projects. Make sure to post by the early hours of December 1, 2022.



Making time to craft,

the MTTC design team and blog owner, Shell S.

MTTC Top 5 Picks for Theme #494 Critters

 Announcement of Top 5 Picks for MTTC's Theme #494!

50 entries about Critters--Creatures Great or Small!! Wahoo!!! Yippee!! Hurray!!!

Thank you everyone who participated and kept us busy with commenting this month! 

#493 results were selected by Granmargaret, so now it's time for Mags B to have a turn. 

In order of entry, she's picked these talented artisans for recognition:

 No 4    Cheiro Urgia

No 11  Wendy (Lili of the Valley Sneak Peek.) 

No 20 Lisa J

No 38 Paperesse or Shari T

No 42 Glittertastic or Sharon

Congrats, ladies!!! These projects demonstrate the wide range of talent, techniques, styles, and elements seen across blogland and our sampling of 50 entries for #494!



SPECIAL NOTE: Theme #495 will be published in less than 1 hour from this posting. There will be #496 and 497 to take us up to December 29. The My Time To Craft design team members have decided to not take a holiday break, so we will continue uninterrupted with #498 beginning on December 30th. If you have time amongst weather, work, family, celebrations, and everything else, remember that we will not be on hiatus. We are going to be here in blogland offering new themed competitions every other Friday mornings!


My Time To Craft design team

Thursday, 17 November 2022

MTTC #494 Theme is Critters

  Welcome to MTTC's Theme of Critters

--Creatures Great or Small--

Whether it's turkeys and other farm animals for Thanksgiving cards, mouse or moose or manger animals for Christmas Nativity cards or whatever other animal captures your creative inspiration at this time of year, have at least 1 animal on your submitted project. 

Competition runs from November 4-17, 2022 with start and end times at 12am Central Time/Chicago or 6am UK (just 2 time references to help you). 


Let's check in with the Design Team to see what they found time to craft for the critters theme:


Mags B

Card 1

Card 2


Becca S


Thanks gals for these marvelously creative cards to spark inspiration! We didn't plan to all go non-holiday with this theme. It just happened to work out this way!! :)


1st time participants please read the challenge rules before submitting your 1st entry. 

All participants: bragging rights of Top 3 or 5 are possible if you submit 1-3 new themed projects for this challenge. 


NOTE: If you're submitting after 9pm Central Time Nov 16, the 50 entry limit has been reached so place your blog link in the comments for me to visit. Deadline is 12am Central Time Nov 17. 


Making time to craft,

the MTTC design team and blog owner, Shell S. 

Thursday, 3 November 2022

MTTC Theme #493 Top 3 Picks

 It's time to announce the Top 3 Picks for My Time To Craft's Theme #493!

Congrats to Jeni, Lori, and Pam!!!

Bragging Rights Badge for your blogs=


Here's some small peeks at their fabulous projects:

No 2 The Boy with the Golden Flute by Jeni's Craftroom

No 11 Lori Podolsky

No 29 Let Yourself by silently draw by Pam's Pearls


Thanks ladies for these fabulous winged-themed cards! To all the other entries, we appreciate your efforts and taking time to enter our challenge. 


My Time To Craft Challenge Blog Design Team

Friday, 21 October 2022

MTTC #493 Theme is Wings

 Welcome to MTTC's #493 Theme of Wings! 

This can be crows or bats for autumn/Halloween cards, doves for peace or sympathy, angels for Christmas, tooth fairy cards, and many others from birds, insects, or even airplanes!! Include something with wings on your project to be considered for bragging rights for our Top 3 or Top 5 picks.  We're sure you've got lots of thoughts already swirling for your creative inspiration!

Competition is October 21-November 3, 2022 from 12am Central Time/Chicago or 6am UK for 2 time references for start and end.

For more creative inspiration, our DT crew took time to craft these winged-themed projects:

Mags B

Card 1 Dragonflies

Card 2 Birds


Fairies and butterflies

Becca: I chose a dove to feature on a Christmas card

Meenaa Herale 


More stunning projects from our talented worldwide design team! Thanks, gals!


Participants: check the rules before submitting, especially if you're a new blogger to MTTC. Each participant may enter 3 new themed projects per challenge. 

Deadline is early on November 3, 2022. 



Making time to craft, 

the MTTC design team and blog owner, Shell S.