Monday, June 1, 2009

Setapak Genting Klang 文良港火灾


原来文良港大路旁的木屋被火烧得红dong dong了!!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

vertexdesign_desktop wallpaper

software: adobe photoshop

vertexdesign's desktop wallpaper = chinese design idea + western concept
It is a simple design and clean that using chinese black ink and typo only ..
And Middle there have a "V" sysmbol .. it is my vertexdesign 's trade mark lo..
Enjoy it . thx for visit

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


software: 3D max , Adobe Photoshop , Adobe After FX

This is my latest portfolio_motion graphic ..
Finish my advanced diploma course .. and nothing to do at hometown ..
Just do it for FUN and spend my time ..
Wish u enjoy it even though it is bad.. thx

(one more coming soon .. hihi )

Friday, May 15, 2009

new header of my blog

software : photoshop

yeah .. this is my new design and my new header of my blog ..