Wednesday, June 15, 2011

final Diagraming

Final diagrams for displaying how spacial issues are addressed:

important issues for a mental health facility.



Building section and other elevations used in my presentation:

the section shows the separation variation in the building

Final Proposal

Here are the final render Images used in my presentation in order to show what it would be like to live in COALESCE

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Materials and Cladding

as the majority of Chosen materials are raw and practical, for massing, to enhance views etc. There needs to be some type of distinguishing elements.

In the public area around the building I plan to design a sculptural instillation that will also double as seating / play area for children, exercise equipment etc.

I want to represent stages of the slime mound sporing.

This is the first and Last stage in the slime mould life cycle. This is symbolic for both the site and the patients at a rehab/ mental facility.

and so I designed the spore garden.
I also looked at different cladding systems and designs.

I settled on a slime mould inspired system, this is a more visual link to my bio mimicry link.

Finding a Name

the purpose of my building was to empower the public to take responsibility for the site.
to do this I looked at the problem and the phenomenon behind it.. social diffusion.

My building is the opposite of diffusion its a place for people to come together and look for support and solve problems.

the opposite of Diffusion is concentration. For obvious reasons this name had negative connotations and so .... COALESCE

Coalesce also discribes slime mould; my bio mimicry link:

Definition of COALESCE

intransitive verb
: to grow together
a : to unite into a whole : fuse coalesced into a single, sprawling colony — Donald Gould>b : to unite for a common end : join forces coalesce into opposing factions — I. L. Horowitz>

Floor Plans week 11

In week eleven I brought these floor plans to the tutorial: Kate and Yvonne helped me see a couple of things I was overlooking. e.g I wasn't aware that people shared bathrooms... and so I have fixed that and some other little thingsAs my form has evolved to its final resolution as have my floor plans bellow are the final floor plans

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Check This out!

Slime mould taking over the world!

Looking for cladding inspiration at the moment