Sunday, December 28, 2008

Taylors comments on opening presents...

I forgot to say that when Tay would open a gift he would get it almost open and say "a...a...a...a... (until he could tell what it was) then he'd say what it was. Like my dad sent him a snoopy puppy so he said "a...a...a..a........ PUPPY" then he grabbed it, hugged it up to his face and he said "ahhhhh"
It was adorable.
He was SO GRATEFUL for each and every gift. His face would light up at everything from a plastic cow, to a train, to a puppy, to a puzzle. He was oh so sweet.

First Annual Cousin Party

So my mom put together a "cousin party" which is such a fabulous idea because I love my cousins so much and don't get to see them very often at ALL. We had a pretty good turn out for our FIRST RUN, but we definitly missed the rest of you cousins. PLAN ON ANOTHER COUSIN PARTY NEXT YEAR. We will probably not do it so close to Christmas next year so more people can attend.

Hope all your families are well. WE LOVE YOU.

Tay w/ his fun Aunt and Uncle

Taylor loves his Ali and Amanda. Whenever he pretend to be on his cell phone and I ask him who he is talking's ALWAYS ALI.
WE LOVE YOU ALI AND AMANDA, so glad you were able to be w/ us on Christmas!!!

Christmas Day 08

Christmas day we had fam over for breakfast at we set our alarm (haha) to get up at 7:30 am. We WOKE Taylor up and did gifts. Then had family breakfast, then went to Irelands, then back to my family's house for more playing.

Dave w/ two of his sweet kids Mom, Shellie, Adam and Lexi

Taylor singing for the Ireland fam. Mason and Tay playing

Taylor was MORE then spoiled

Ali, Amanda, Mother and our fam had breakfast Christmas morning at our place. It was Yummy and gave me an excuse to use some fun Christmas dishes.

Taylor with some of his gifts. He liked opening the presents. Although he didn't really GET IT, the whole Santa coming thing......he would say Santa, Presents, Open presents, Santa coming. The magic of Christmas is so grand w/ children present and I'm so excited for it to just keep getting better and better.

CHRISTMAS DAY IS A LONG DAY= NO NAP= conked out two year old , haha

I've been wanting to build a snowman. I finally recruited James, Ali, Amanda and Mark to help me. Oh so fun...and of COURSE this turned into a fun snow ball fight.

I am so grateful for good family and friends. HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!

More Christmas Eve

Tay in Grandpa's new Slippers
Matching PJS...oh so fun!

Girls w/ Tay Tay watching a movie w/ papa

Christmas Eve w/ my fam

I LOVE CHRISTMAS EVE! We spend it with my family. My mom made a wonderful dinner and had such a pretty table, it was nice to have such a lovely dinner w/ my cool fam. Thanks mom for making it so special.

Irelands ready to open presents G & G and Tay

Ali and Amanda (so glad they were down here w/ us)
It was a fun evening full of gifts, games and food.
Taylors favorites were the Cow from G & G and the GUN (his first) from A & A.
Us kids got really COOL totes full of Emerg. prepardness stuff from mother and Gerry- love it. and matching PJS
We surprised our mom w/....a treadmill. She's wanted one for a while and we found a used one for a KILLER deal on

Get together w/ HS friends

At the last moment we planned a dinner night as HS Friends this last week at Jana's. It was Sooo fun to get together w/ our hubbies and kids. The kids ran around like crazy and having so much fun.

Nat,Jill,Merianne,Sarah, Jana
We REALLY should do this more often.... it's so fun to catch up.

LIl' buds Easton and Tay Irelands/Apontes Irelands
After Dinner we went with the Aponte's to see the lights at Temple Square. A wonderful night w/ friends turned into a NIGHTMARE: (see the following pic)
We left our car for 1/2 hr and it was broken into. My Diaper bag was in view so they smashed our window in and unfort. my purse was hidden in there as well and they took my diaper bag, purse and wallet. This is sooo girly and maybe dumb to some but that diaper bag was my favorite thing AND my purse was my NEW Giraffe print purse that I have wanted for almost a year. My wallet had EVERYTHING about my life in it. My two bank account cards/checks....SSCard (not usually in there but was) , temple recommend, Movie Gift Cards, Store Gift cards, Family photos.....needless to say I was DEVESTATED, Shocked and SO SAD. We immed. cancelled all bank stuff (which by the way the one account was my new business account and I JUST got the cards), set myself up on LIFE LOCK (look it up, its pretty cool). I spent Christmas Eve getting the window fixed and switching over all banking info. It is such a pain to switch an account that you have had for over 5 years that has all your bill pay and auto withdrawl stuff and direct deposit going into. AGGHHH! This nightmare has followed me for days now.
THE GOOD NEWS IS: They caught the losers that did this. 3 men in Centerville were arrested for breaking into another car and long story short they had my debit card on them (dumped all my other stuff but won't say where). They were in possession of a lot of drugs and their bail is $15K. They will be going to prison I am sure. The SLC police have not been very helpful to me and are making me feel a lil' dumb asking for Restitution...but I will pursue it. $400+ damages might not be alot to them, but it is to me.
I am grateful for the blessing of them being caught.

Monday, December 22, 2008

It finally stopped!

THE started at 9 am and stopeed at 5:15 pm (for now) WOW.....lets go build a snowman!

Idaho Friends

Hey girls... for any of you in the Rigby Area....

I will be having a BUSINESS LAUNCH PARTY for my new side business, Urban Botanic. UB is a unique bath and body company that allows CUSTOMERS to design CUSTOM home, bath and body scents. The price is AMAZING (we all know I'm one for a great deal) and plus it's green and OH SO COOL. So.....

The party will be held at KENDRA'S (Across the Street from my old House) If you need directions, leave a comment on this post.

It will be SAT. JANUARY 3rd at 10 am sharp!

It will be soooo good to see you there (hope you can make it)
There will be A Sweet Door Prize and you earn raffles for : 1. being on time
2. Bringing a friend
3. Much much more....

Love, Nat

My lil' Handy Man

haha this pic cracks me up. Thanks G & G for the handy man outfit.... that came w/ tools. Oh so cool!

A time for fun

These pics make me smile. Last night we had a get together with some friends/fam and it's always a good time to be surrounded by those you love. Lots of shoes=lots of love :) Taylor was SHARING the love w/ Jenice as you can see, Lovey Lovey. We had lots of treats, hot cocoa and a totally awesome gift exchange...haha always a treat.

Friday, December 19, 2008

It's begining to look a lot like Christmas


I really did want a WHITE CHRISTMAS.... (I'm ok with it being gone Dec. 26th though) :)

Taylor REALLY wanted to play in the snow (never has before) so we got all bundled up (even though it was lunch/nap time) and that turned in to a melt down right as we were ready to walk out the door...haha thus SAD PIC

So...we got all undressed, had lunch, and a nap and a few hrs. later tried again. MUCH BETTER...thus HAPPY PICS in the SNOW (except when he falls down)

PS. So I tried to be a neighborly neighbor and shoveled a LOT of walks today....well a few hrs. later I went out and ALL of the walks were clear. Do sidewalks "heat up" and melt snow...I'm confused. Did it melt just efforts were a waste. maybe I'm not so smart. Oooooh DUH! It's the salt... melts it all away, owell at least I got a good work out. :)

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Taylor loves our new Christmas Panda (thanks Ireland) He helped me dress it in HIS shoes, coat, hat and even shared his "night night" blanket.


What we've been up to in Dec.

Sunday Naps....I love my bubba! New FOOTBALLS! Sweet!

Time w/ Old friends and New ones....ugly sweater contests.

What we've been up to in DEC.


Playing inside...cuz baby it's cold outside!