Thursday, December 31, 2009

December has been wonderful

Taylor loves his baby sister... he CAUGHT her w/his fish game

Out to lunch w / the them

Loot of gifts for Tay and Layla...from G & G....nuts

Deb loved the shirt we got her in NYC

The best gift of all this season....LAYLA girl.
Tay and Dad making cookies for Santa

Painting Layla's nails:)

Christmas Eve we went to Pizza Factory and Bowling...Taylor was the WINNER as you can tell from his victory shot.

Loving baby sister..............Tay fell asleep like dramatic.

Some sweet girl does NOT like it when mom plays dress up and tries to take pics...

Dad and Tay enjoying Layla. Taylor got a dinosaur egg from G & G and had to wait a few days for it to hatch, it was all very exciting.

More Loves...... Taylor had his hands in his pockets all bundled up and slipped on the snow and face planted into the curb...his first shiner.


At the ward Christmas Breakfast

Wednesday, December 30, 2009