I ♥ Summer!!!
Thankful that the weather is finally hot enough so that we can go swimming!!! We have gone two days this week already & planning many more!!
Thankful that we have a "free" pool that we can use whenever we want! Thanks Grandma & Grandpa Graff!!
Thankful for different summer camps for my kids to attend...(more posts to come with pics)
Summer squash!!
For fathers!!! We ♥ DADS especially Nate, Grandpa Graff, & Grandpa Abbott!! Thank You for all you do!!
To be able to watch my kids develop special relationships with each other. They truly amaze me with the love they have for each other!!!
Summer movies!!! (Can't wait to see Transformers 2, hopefully, this weekend)
Catching lizards, dragonflies, butterflies, etc.
Being with my children every day!!!