Thursday, June 25, 2009

I ♥ Summer!!!
Thankful that the weather is finally hot enough so that we can go swimming!!! We have gone two days this week already & planning many more!!
Thankful that we have a "free" pool that we can use whenever we want!  Thanks Grandma & Grandpa Graff!!
Thankful for different summer camps for my kids to attend...(more posts to come with pics)
Summer squash!!
For fathers!!! We ♥ DADS especially Nate, Grandpa Graff, & Grandpa Abbott!! Thank You for all you do!!
To be able to watch my kids develop special relationships with each other.  They truly amaze me with the love they have for each other!!!  
Summer movies!!! (Can't wait to see Transformers 2, hopefully, this weekend)
Catching lizards, dragonflies, butterflies, etc.   
Being with my children every day!!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Getting ready for July....

I love July and everything that comes with it; birthdays, BBQs, swimming, the heat, picnics, hiking, bike rides, holidays-4th of July & Pioneer Day, fireworks, traditions, etc.   I am proud especially to be an American and everything that it means!!!  So here's to being a little early, Happy almost July!!!!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Summer School

On June 8th Peyton and Brynlei started Summer Preschool.  Brynlei will be starting Preschool in the Fall and since their school offers summer school we decided to put her in it with Peyton so that she would have that period to adjust.  Well she didn't really need to adjust, she has been watching her brothers go to school and has really wanted to be big enough to go, now she is so excited that it is finally her time too.  They love it and we love their teachers.  We have been going to the same preschool for the past six years (ever since Karter started) and they have become like family.  They really love our children and enjoy having them there.  I still can't believe that my baby is old enough to go (excuse me, while I go and cry:)).... Now, I just wish that they had Summer School for the older children :) Ha ha. Wishful thinking....

Basketball Camps

Karter has really enjoyed playing basketball this year so we decided to sign him up for a couple of camps to do this summer.  June 1st-4th he attended the Dixie High Basketball Camp.  He absolutely loved it and would come home each day so excited to tell us what he had done and learned.  He was in there with a couple of his friends from the neighborhood and had such a good time that we decided to put him in Coach Jon Judkins (Dixie State College) Basketball Camp.
So, from June 8th-10th he went there for four hours a day and learned some awesome skills that will hopefully help him to improve his game.  We were so glad that he was able to attend these camps this year.  We can't wait until next year.  Good job buddy!!!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Waterslide with cousins!!

Click to play this Smilebox scrapbook: May 20th, 2009Create your own scrapbook - Powered by Smilebox

Well the Waterslide made its official debut on May 20th.  This was our last day babysitting Kamri and Sophie so we decided to have a little water party while the other kids were in school.  It was a very hot day and the kids had such a fun time splashing, getting wet, "laying out", eating popsicles, and just being with their cousins!!!!  Brynlei worships Kamri and follows her around everywhere.  There is two years between them but they are basically the same size (Brynn's got a little more meat on her bones though:)) They looked so cute "laying out" on their towels, especially Brynlei's nice swimsuit wedgie:).  What a fun day!!! We miss babysitting you two girls already!!!

* This is the first of many more posts to come.  Stay tuned.......

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Okay, I know that I am the biggest slacker in history.  All these promises about new posts and no product.  I am sorry.  Life has just been really, really crazy.   BUT, and it's a big but, BUT I am really going to try hard to have our blog somewhat updated by this weekend.  I know you are thinking that it is not going to happen, but I am out to prove you wrong.  So don't give up on us just yet.   I can't promise that it will be all you have ever wanted and more but I can promise something will be updated (maybe even have the whole month of May caught up)  Who knows, I may even surprise myself and catch up everything (that's my ultimate goal).  So hang in there.  I know I will.  :)

Friday, June 5, 2009

Hunger Games

If you have time to read a book this summer, you have to read The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.  It was really good, the only thing is now I have to wait until September until the 2nd book comes out!! AAAHHH!!! Anyway if you have nothing better to do check it out!! (As you can see I am avoiding catching up on my other posts because I am still waiting for Nate to organize some of the photos, so stay tuned.......)

Thursday, June 4, 2009

I am thankful for so much this week:
I am thankful for parents, in-laws, and sisters that made it possible for Nate and me to go to Girls Camp!
I am thankful that I have the calling that I do and that I am constantly learning and growing from it.  And also that I have some awesome girls in my class that I look up to and admire.  
I am thankful that Girls Camp was my kind of camping i.e. we stayed in a luxury cabin, had comfortable beds, hot showers, etc but we were still able to be surrounded by such beautiful land, views, etc.   
I am thankful for testimonies and the chance to strengthen my own. 
I am thankful for such loving parents and in-laws who continually love us, no matter what.  
I am thankful that my children have good friends and continue to make new ones. 
That Karter is enjoying himself at Basketball camp and that he loves to go each day!!!
For opportunities to grow and to step out of my comfort zone...(even though at the time I don't fully enjoy those said opportunities:))
For AWESOME neighbors who are also friends!!
That summer is under way and for more camps, activities, swimming lessons, games, birthdays, etc. for the kiddos!
For a husband that I was able to spend time with and that I have to go through trials with together!!! You are my world and so much more babe!!!
There is really so much more that I am continually thankful for, I am extremely grateful that I have a loving and forgiving Father in Heaven who continues to bless our lives with so much!!!

 *and I promise that I will be updated with EVERYTHING soon!  (or it will drive me crazy!!)

Monday, June 1, 2009

Behind again......AHHHH

Once again I am behind on posting.  Hopefully this week I will be able to finally catch up and get everything posted that I need to.  I was at Girls Camp last week so that explains some of it, the rest of it is explained by me just being lazy.  So, I promise that sometime this week I will update our crazy life!!