I haven't been blogging very much lately, but I have been stitching! Here are some of the projects I have been working on.
Hands to Work - This is the Day -- it's not finished yet, but it's close. I just have to do the filling stitches in the box at the top (around the alphabet). I'm not looking forward to filling that box in, but it will be gorgeous when finished! (Sorry, I did not take time to press this one!) Stitched on WDW Cappucino with recommended WDW/GAST fibers.
Mary Garry - Forget Me Not -- last week I was itching to stitch something that would be an easy finish. I pulled this one out of my collection of Mary Garry samplers. It's stitched with DMC on a miscellaneous piece of 28 ct linen from my stash. I think I will finish this as a pillow next time I have a finishing day. (I took a picture of this sampler on top of the quilt in the next picture - the color of the linen is cream, but it looks somewhat multicolored...which it's not.)
Last up -- another quilt. This is another one that my daughter started about 5 or so years ago. She did the rail fence blocks and put them all together. I added the borders for her and hired Joan to do the quilting for me. This will make a nice wallhanging or tabletopper.
Before I go, here's a picture of our pumpkin which my daughter carved when she was home last weekend. It sat on our front step and greeted the little goblins who visited tonight!
Happy Halloween!