Eric Heels, Rich Klau of Today
StudentLawTech forum is the name of the email discussion list for law students on the topic of law and technology. Rich Klau and Eric Heels founded the discussion in 1994 while they were law students at the Universities of Richmond and Maine. Eric and Rich were famous in the fledgling online community of lawyers back then for the mega FAQ on legal resources on the internet that they published.
The Eric and Rich's of today are into blogging in a big way. We have started a page on StudentLawBlogs at the Network-Lawyers wiki to keep up with developments on that front. Hopefully the reincarnation of the StudentLawTech forum will gain a following from among the student bloggers and others interested in the law, technology and the internet.
John | 8/30/2003 09:23:00 AM >> Post a comment >> |
eLawyer Blog: Legal Information vs. Legal Advice
eLawyer Blog: Legal Information vs. Legal Advice has lots of good leads for lawyers who want to make the most of their public service/marketing program by effectively communicating with the public. Seems to this observor that the provision of high quality, plain-English information to the public coincident with a lawyer's area of practice is a win/win proposition for both the public and the lawyer who puts his or her mind and energy to the task.
The boosters of the eLawyering project and others who have been running with this ball need to get more lawyers into the game--here are a few ideas: (1) incubate an online study group, (2) present an online CLE course and/or (3) consider other ways for lawyers who-are-with-this-program to do some LegalInformationNetwork|ing.
John | 8/12/2003 07:52:00 AM >> Post a comment >> | for law school applicants, students & grads
A law student, Marshall Camp, now recent grad's, weblog is still going strong with coverage of the law school and legal scene of interest to lawyers and law students alike. Billed as a community for law school applicants, students & grads, the site features a list of other law student weblogs, school-specific discussion groups (about which I am going to find out more) and many other links of interest to law and pre-law students.
I also plan to explore other law student weblogs with a view to re-kindling law student participation in the Network-Lawyers discussion group. I recall Eric Heels and Rich Klau, back when the Net-Lawyers started up, had their own law student discussion group as well something like LawStudentTech hosted on the list server at Cornell Law School.
John | 8/11/2003 09:00:00 AM >> Post a comment >> |
netLs follows German lead
Sprechen Sie Deutsch? No, but there is an accommodation using the Google translation tool that was recently impliement at the German language Handakte WebLAWg of Rainer Langenhan and at another popular German legal site, JuraWiki with the co-operation of Jura's founder, Ralf Zosel.
We have now done the same here going the other direction, English to German, with the link featuring a little map of Germany and the words Deutsche Version via Google Übersetzung on the NetLs weblog page.
An invitation has been issued to the speakers of French, Spanish, Italian and Portugese to join in the collaboration to create similar tours at JuraWiki from German into their own languages. We are working on a multi-lingual link with six little flag icons--one to engage each of the six languages available currently using the Google translation.
If you would like to can read more about this MultiLingualCollaboration, comment and/or join in this collaboration go to the Network-Lawyers' wiki.
John | 8/04/2003 07:38:00 AM >> Post a comment >> |