Welcome to our Wyoming blog. On this blog I have been sharing how we came to move here and the 'adventure' we have been on every since. We started with a hillside, and today (6 years later) are finally putting in some landscaping. We are by no means done. I hope you will come along on our adventure.

I also have 2 other blogs. Big Horn Mountain Creations show cases my quilting and other artistic adventures. Decorating my Tin Shack, is about creating a home thru decorating. Both are on the side bar, I hope you will stop by.

Thursday, December 12, 2013


Last half of 2013

It has been a hard last half of 2013

We have lost 3 of our parents since August.
Kirks Dad and Mom, then my Mom
(dad passed 6 years ago)

After the two trips to Ca and one to Nv 
we are ready to just stay home.

To help bring a smile back to my face, 
Kirk did something he dislikes doing
He put up Christmas lights.

 Kirk made this cactus when we lived in Ca.  we gave 
it to his parents when we moved.  I was one of the things we
brought home with us after their passing.

 His Mom had it decked in lights, so we did the same.
Love it
 With the new carport, I wanted to put the lights on it
this was not an easy task.

 Then he put red lights on the caboose....cute!
The lights make us BOTH smile. 

Things are calming down
Other then a week of very, very cold weather
we are getting back to normal.  

Have a blessed rest of 2013

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Around the Homestead

Around the homestead

Missy Moew taking a nap....on an antler shed.....silly kitty.
 Flowers decorating the porch

 Beautiful sunset, last night.
Hard to believe July is half over, seems like summer just began.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

What is it?

What in the world is he doing?

I know you have been wondering what in the world that
big white box is.  Well, you see it is a box from
a semi truck, you know that ones you see all the time 
going cross country.  We used that to haul our 
treasures here from California.

It has been sitting there for 7 years now and serves as
a storage shed.  We have not been able to figure out
how to make it fit into the place.
I thought we should just paint it the color of the dirt
so it would just blend in.
Then one day Kirk came up with this idea....
 I love it when he gets creative like this.
 I never would have thought of it, mainly because I could
not carry it out.  He can though.  He has the talent.
 Yes a caboose!
He built the top and the porch
more details are coming and I will share them.
 We got it painted this last weekend.
So here is the new car port (er....truck port)
and caboose.  LOL.  

We do not live in a normal house,  
and I am thankful for that, because this is alot more fun
all us.
No one will have trouble finding our house.    LOL!

Friday, June 07, 2013

Carport Work

Carport Work Continues

I am happy to say the carport is built.

It was rather frustrating, as the week we 
had planned to work on this project with the
help of some folks from Tennessee, it just kept raining.
Finally on Saturday, June 1 the sun came out.
In the morning the team from Tennessee came over
and helped Kirk get the rafters up.
Just look at that sky, so beautiful, so beautiful.
The work went fast with all the help.
This group came to Hyattville on a mission trip, to help 
others wherever needed, and we are so thankful for 
the time they put in to help get this part of the roof done.
Here (below) you can see the new structure as it relates to the house.
After a break to attend a wedding, 
and what a beautiful day for a wedding,
two friends came and 
helped get the sheeting put up.
The help Andy and Tomy gave is so appreciated.
From the underside, sure looks different.
Sheeting going up on the other side.
All the sheeting on and the widows peak formed
Project signed and dated.
So the roof is installed, but we are not done yet, some decorating to do.
Lights should be here today, will  share the final  touches

So thankful for all the help we have gotten on this project.
We could not have done this alone......
er......Kirk could not have done it alone.  Grin.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


I originally posted this in Feb of 2009
but after a recent comment came in, I read it again
and decided to post this again, along with the comments
of encouragement from my friends
My hope is that it will encourage someone else as it has me, again.

Struggling with Courage.

I am awake at 1am because I am wrestling with courage. Why am I wrestling with courage?

I have this idea, and it will take work and discouragement is setting in. It doesn't take alot for discouragement to get a foot hold and tear apart something.

I think of what God says about thinking on whatever is good. Courage is good, right?
Discouragement is the opposite of good, therefor evil, of Satan. Discouragement is like a cancer, it starts as a nagging little thing and grows into the death of an idea. I know that Satan does not want us to succeed, (well unless we are working for him) he likes to destroy us, he'd like us to just lay down and do nothing, to be a bump on a log, making no difference in this world, especially not a difference for God, let along doing something good for our fellow humans.

I struggle alot with discouragement, I want to lose weight and have the goal in mind when discouragement comes along and says.......why should you give up this or that, here have some M&Ms. Or I want to begin exercising and discouragement says....oh it is to muddy out to go for a walk, exercise is boring, why don't you sit down here at the computer (oh Adah) or read a book.

I know there are alot of things we have accomplished here that have taken pure courage, but it has not been my courage. I am a wimp when it comes to courage, I am easily swayed from things by the simplest remarks or thoughts. I would not, nor could I have done the things we have done here alone, I gain courage from my husband, but on the same note he can discourage me with a simple negative remark.

I need to gain courage to act on my ideas, despite what others may think, but how? I suppose courage needs exercise. I know I have courage, just like the cowardly lion had courage all along in the Wizard of OZ. It comes by baby steps, I guess.

How do I get discouragement to leave me alone, how do I overcome it? It comes in so many forms, such as the feeling of being overwhelmed, I get that one alot. Depression, too. It is like discouragement likes to stick out his foot and trip you up at every turn and then runs away laughing, as you fall on you face. It is usually a lie.....you can't do that, your not good enough, your not smart enough, your not good looking enough, your just going to fail and on and on it goes.

I remember how long it took me to get up the courage to make my first batch of soap, boy was I scared I would fail, it must have taken 6 months. I didn't fail and then I was off an running, but somehow courage requires new lessons with each new venture. Hummmmm.

That is it, isn't it?
Discouragements goal is to get you to fail before you even try. WOW.
What is the worst that can happen if one fails, of course depending on what it is.........at least in this case I won't die, I may have to pick myself up and dust myself off..............

Do you struggle with this?
Maybe I can sleep now, since I have talked about it with you all, thanks for listening.


Michele said...
Mom, You are a very strng woman and we all suffer from Satans hold sometimes.. Just pray and remember we are all here for you. We love you and know you will accomplish all that is good in the Lords eyes.
Susan said...
Blogger is giving me fits tonight, but we'll try again anyway. You are one of the most talented, creative people I know. You didn't say what your idea is, but you can make it work, whatever it is, if you want to. All things are possible through Christ.

As for the struggle, yes, I think that's universal! Satan is universal and so are his temptations. I can't tell you how many things I haven't done because I got cold feet at the last minute. However, it doesn't always happen, so sometimes I've won. =)
Kate said...
I struggle with discouragement each and every day. And, I get it on all sides. When I was a failure at life, people loved to hand that to me. But, now that I am more successful at managing life's little battles I still get it. In spades. Take a deep breath and say 'I am the sum of all my accomplishments.' My Mom taught me that a long time ago. It works. And, know that people love you.
Wakeboard Mama said...

I think I know you better than most and because of that I can tell you that you are much stronger and have more courage than you ever did when I was a kid. I have ALWAYS learned alot from you but over the last few years you and Kirk have taught Andy and I alot about doing what you believe in! No matter what issue came your way you guys have worked through it and have made it work!

I struggle with being discouraged too! EVERYONE DOES...some more than others but that is because God made us different...he also gave us a choice. We have to LEARN to chose to listen to him and not that horrible little (evil) nagging voice...the discouraging one!

I will pray for you and you pray for me...we will both make it through our battles and become victorious in God's name and in his eyes!!!! After all...HE IS THE ONE THAT MATTERS!!!!

Love you!!!
Dea said...
Gail, I read this just now, and I had to reply.

The answer is Yes, Yes, Yes!

Matter of fact I think Discouragement is my middle name somtimes.

You are so right that the devil knows your fears, and how to play on them. He does this continually to me, but with your encouragement to acknowledge that God is good, and wants you to succeed, I too think this can be overcome.

I think you're couargeous, just by what I have seen thus far on this blog. I am encouraged that by you doing all that you have done, that maybe, just maybe, I can accomplish some of my goals.

May God continue to bless you, and give you the strength to be as courageous as you long for.


Monday, May 13, 2013

Constructing the Carport

 Carport Construction Begins

We have been wanting a carport for sometime now.
With no garage to park the cars in
we need a carport/er....truckport.  
We have enjoyed a concrete pad out in front of the shop area.
So nice, instead of mud.

Now it is time to add some protection for the
trucks, to protect them from sun, and help
keep some of the snow off of them. 

So here is the before.....

Trusses built and ready to go up.
After I helped Kirk get the first logs into position, Justin and Mike came
by and helped put up the first truss.
Thank goodness, cause that was more then
I can handle.
And Justin (closest to us) is very comfortable up high like that.
I know some are asking...What is that building that is in the way?
It is a shed....er....trailer box, it will be remaining in place.
I know it is not normal.....remember "Red Neck".
What about permits, not something our county does.
Getting ready to put up the stringer, to attach the truss to the shop.
Stringers installed first truss is up.
Andy came over to help Kirk, with the remaining
stringers on the first truss and install the second truss.
Thank goodness for equipment like the skidsteer, to help do the heavy, 
high lifting.  How did they do this stuff in the old days.
More stringers and overhang.
Here is where we ended up by the end of the weekend.  
So thankful for all the help.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Is it Spring yet?

Is it really Spring?  
I sure hope so, I am pretending it is.
(last years pictures)

Just a couple of days ago we had 8 inches of snow, then two days of mud.
Yesterday I was able to get out and do a little bit of work, 
such as plant some grass seed and work the soil in
my wine barrels.  
Also did a bit of clean up in the pasture area for the chickens.
Today, it is even better outside so, I got potatoes in the ground
and 160 pea seeds put in. 
Dang, I am not used to this type of work, 
that is what 5 months of winter get ya.  Sigh.
Worked in the greenhouse today also, made cuttings of my 
geraniums and other misc stuff.  
I am so glad it is warming up again, it is nice to have the windows open.

Alot of work to be done in the yard.
Did I tell you about the tire wall?  Need to get that planted.
Did I tell you about the red neck kitchen?  

Plans for this summer, a car port, porch and grass.

Ok time to go collect eggs
Until later.  
God Bless !

Monday, April 22, 2013

Surprise....A Post!

Hi Everyone
Today I got a nice email from Doreena, she had been cruising around my blog and noticed I had not posted in a very, very long time.  So she wrote me a nice email.  Your so right Doreena, it has been forever (nearly a year) since I have posted.   I could come up with alot of excuses but the fact of the matter is I have just been lax at sharing what is happening around the homestead. 

The picture I have added today is what I am seeing outside my window this mid April day 2013.  We woke up to 6 to 8 inches (depending on where you put the tape) of snow, I did not expect it.  Just yesterday I was working in the flower garden, and the veggie garden the day before.  Like everyone else I am ready to plant.  I am afraid though that the fruit tree may be in trouble as it is suppose to be only 10 degrees tonight......:(   It is its second year so I guess I would not have gotten much fruit, but it would have been fun to have my own plum or two.  The apricot is still waking up so maybe we will see some blooms on it. 

Some of the things I need to share with you, building a retaining wall (out of tires), learning to can, a potato experiment,  my hugelkultur attempt, and other gardening things, building a red neck kitchen (outdoor kitchen).  This year we plan to add a carport and a porch, so will need to tell you about those. 

Thank you for supporting my efforts to share and Doreena, I will work on sharing what is happening around here. 

Hugs to all,

Monday, July 16, 2012

A New Adventure

A new adventure begins here on our homestead in Wyoming
We have cows!

It is a huge learning curve but we are excited
to be raising our own beef.

Here you see our first group, 7 in all.
We also have acquired 3 pair, 
which a pair is a mama and baby.

In the first group (pictured) we got 2 heifers, a bull, and 
4 steer.  The oldest being about a year old.
We have some really good pasture, these are
to be grass fed and we hope to custom raise beef
for folks.  Gentleness and calm are our mantra.

I know it has been a long time since I have posted, just 
busy and not much exciting to tell.

We also have had some chicks hatched but a 
very attentive mama, they are in their new home now
and mama is back to regular chicken business.
Another girl is setting so we will see if she
brings us any chicks


Monday, February 20, 2012

Cheesy Egg Pie w/ Marinara Sauce


What to do with all of these eggs
I tell you the girls are busy.
This is what they are giving us on an average day.
Well average so far.
I thought I'd share the recipe I made last night.
Now I know I should have taken this picture before
we took some.........

Cheesy Egg Pie with Marinara Sauce
The basic recipe comes from 
Better Homes and Gardens
Quick and Easy Cookbook
(which I have had for years and years)

3 eggs.....I used 4 eggs because mine were small
1/2 cup milk
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon seasoned salt
2 cups shredded Pepper Jack cheese or
mozzarella cheese (8 ozs) or any cheese you like
3/4 cup cream-style cottage cheese 
1/2 of a 3 oz package cream cheese, cut up

 Note: I added, pepperoni, salami, and broccoli to mine. 
other ideas, ham, onions, green peppers, tomatoes
mushrooms, chicken, ground beef, bacon.

Marinara  (recipe below) or Spaghetti sauce, heated, for serving.

1.  In a small mixer bowl combine eggs, milk,
flour, baking powder, and seasoned salt.  
Beat at low speed until blended.
Add the cheeses and any additional items, 
such as meat and veggies,
 beat until combined
2.  Pour into an ungreased 9 inch pie plate.  
Bake, uncovered, in a 350 degree oven about 35 minutes 
or until knife inserted near the center comes out clean.
3.  Decorate top with tomato wedges if desired.
Cut into wedges and serve with sauce.

Gail's Marinara Sauce

2 cans tomato sauce or 1 large can
1 Tablespoon olive oil
1 Tablespoon dried oregano
2 Tablespoons dried parsley flakes
2 bay leaves
1 Tablespoon dried Italian seasoning
1 Tablespoon granulated garlic
Salt and pepper to taste
1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon sugar
1 Tablespoon butter

Combine all in a small sauce pan, and over 
a simmer heat the sauce (lid suggested and left ajar)
turn off heat and let set so flavors can marry.
Warm to serve.
Is even better the next day!

Kirk says I hit this sauce on the head.  So it is a keeper
and why I am sharing it with you.

Here we have a slice that I am having for lunch,
nearly took a bit, then remembered 
the picture. 
I hope you will give this a try, 
let me know how you like it.

Any egg recipes to share? 
 I would love to try them out.

Have a blessed day and
thank you for coming over for a visit.