Last Updated: Friday, 15 December 2006, 15:27 GMT
Quiz: Beat the world trade system
The BBC has been investigating how international trade negotiations really work - discovering the arm-twisting and rough stuff at the heart of crucial meetings that can affect millions of jobs around the world. But have you got what it takes to be a trade negotiator when the going gets tough? Put yourself into the shoes of a diplomat in this fiendish quiz.
Scenario 1: You are ambassador to the World Trade Organization in Geneva. You represent the Republic of Bajaria, a small West African state which mainly exports cotton and cocoa. The rich and powerful Eurasian Union is putting Bajarian farmers out of work by its own agricultural subsidies and tariffs. Which of the following tactics should you try in order to create change?
Listen to War by Other Means on Radio 4 , on Tuesday, 19 December at 2000 UK time.