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Last Updated:  Friday, 21 February, 2003, 11:14 GMT
British man in coma after crash
BBC map of Cyprus
A man from Manchester is in a coma in a Cypriot hospital after a moped accident.

Stefan Schelze, 42, suffered serious head injuries and has been unconscious since the crash on 9 January.

Mr Schelze has no health insurance, but a local Cypriot newspaper has reported that Cyprus Health Minister Frixos Savvides has pledged to help Mr Schelze and his family.

Mr Savvides told the Cyprus Mail: "I am in a position to waive hospital fees and, if I can be in touch with his local hospital to make arrangements and contact his next of kin, I am willing to pay for transportation home."

Mr Schelze had been working in a cafe bar in Paphos.

He suffered severe head injuries in the accident and is being treated at Paphos General Hospital.

'Generous offer'

The Cyprus Mail reported that Mr Schelze has been taken off a ventilator but has failed to recover consciousness.

Mr Schelze's niece, Helen McCarthy, told the newspaper: "I am overwhelmed by the kindness of a foreign country.

"I can't believe the place where he went to work abroad is willing to help when his own country isn't."

Stewart Summers, spokesman for the British High Commission in Cyprus, said that the commission "did not have the resources" to fund medical bills or repatriation.

A Foreign Office spokeswoman said: "We hope Stefan will make a recovery and we are offering all the assistance we can at this difficult time.

"It is a very generous offer by Mr Savvides."



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