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Last Updated: Wednesday, 21 May, 2003, 10:52 GMT 11:52 UK
Woman in coma after cow 'attack'
A Cumbrian businesswoman remains in a coma after being trampled by a herd of cows.

Shirley McKaskie, from Greystoke Gill, near Penrith, underwent brain surgery following the incident at nearby Millrigg Farm.

It is thought the animals with young calves reacted violently when Miss McKaskie walked by with her dog.

The Health and Safety Executive says it is to investigate the incident, which happened on 10 May.

The 45-year-old woman is the partner of Penrith Football Club chairman Don Cameron.

Police say she suffered serious head injuries, broken ribs, and leg injuries during the attack.

She was taken to the Cumberland Infirmary in Carlisle and later transferred to Newcastle General Hospital, where she underwent surgery.

Hospital staff say she remains unconscious in the intensive therapy unit.

Mr Cameron said it was not yet known whether his partner would make a full recovery.

He said: "We're waiting for her to regain consciousness, but it's a very slow thing."

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