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Last Updated: Monday, 25 July, 2005, 09:59 GMT 10:59 UK
Bomb-damaged Tube station reopens
Platform at Aldgate station
Aldgate was one of the stations damaged in the bomb attacks
A Tube station damaged in the London bombings has reopened as the transport system continues to get back to normal.

Commuters at Aldgate station, where seven were killed and bomber Shehzad Tanweer died, described the atmosphere there on Monday as tense and quiet.

Transport for London said a decision on when Edgware Road will open could be made in the next 48 hours, but King's Cross would take longer.

The Circle Line is still shut, as are parts of a number of other lines.

Howard Collins, Service Director at Transport for London (TfL) said the station opening was symbolic in terms of the capital's recovery from the attacks.

The atmosphere on the train was tense but you have just got to keep going
Commuter Stuart Johnson

He said: "It is a very solemn occasion.

"I travelled down in one of the first trains with the driver and I think we were quite thoughtful as we passed through, but also defiant and determined."

Four police officers were on the platform at Aldgate, checking inside train carriages.

Commuter Stuart Johnson, 37, said: "We cannot be dominated by these people.

"But it has changed things - people are looking over their shoulder at everyone and checking the size of their rucksacks.

'Move on'

"The atmosphere on the train was tense but you have just got to keep going."

Anna Pollock, 37, who was also at Aldgate on Monday morning, said she felt sad when she arrived at the station.

She said: "It has got to happen some time, there's no point closing things for the sake of it. We have got to move on and get on with things.

"The atmosphere today has been quiet and reflective."

Forensics teams left the site about a week ago and since then engineers have been repairing cables and any structural damage.

Police are still searching for clues at the deep-level site between King's Cross and Russell Square stations.

The main closures are:

  • The Hammersmith and City Line has reopened between Hammersmith and Paddington, but the rest of the line is shut.

  • Piccadilly Line services are still suspended between Arnos Grove and Hyde Park Corner as well as between Uxbridge station and Rayners Lane station.

  • The District Line between Edgware Road and High Street Kensington is also closed.

  • Roads near bus blast site in Tavistock Place are still shut.

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