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Last Updated: Friday, 23 January, 2004, 20:32 GMT
Cat receives credit offer in post
Thomas Catt checks his morning post
Thomas has been invited to have a Goldfish credit card
A cat called Thomas is being deluged with post including credit card deals and gym membership offers.

Owner Mike Davies, 49, of Coombe Road, Weston-super-Mare, Somerset, insisted he has never put Thomas's name on any mailing list.

The pet's first piece of post was a credit card offer in 1998 addressed to just "Thomas" but since then "Catt" has been added as a surname.

He has been offered a £250,000 loan and a credit card from Goldfish.

On Monday Thomas received an 18-inch-long tube containing a membership offer from Esporta Health Club in the town which included a poster of a human body with the title "Thomas, this is what we'll do for you this year".

Thomas receives letters addressed to Mr T Thomas-Catt
Thomas receives around six letters a day

Although Mr Davies admits the white and tabby cat is overweight and on a special diet, he said Thomas would not be taking up the gym offer as there was no "treadmill for cats" there.

A spokeswoman for the gym said: "Esporta purchased the data record of Mr Thomas Catt from Consodata Lifestyle Register.

"It looks like somebody has clearly at some stage filled out details for their pet."

Mr Davies said: "He gets about six items a month and I think the post woman is a bit fed up with it now."

For Thomas the daily delivery brings new letters with no paws for thought.

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