Presented by Gavin Esler.
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Data Protection Act
The Data Protection Act came under scrutiny again after an elderly couple died when their gas was cut off. The suggestion was that the company could not alert social services to the couple's situation because the Act would only allow that if the couple appeared to be in immediate and specific danger. The Act was also blamed by Humberside Police for their decision to wipe computer records relating to the Soham murderer, Ian Huntley.
We examined whether these interpretations of the legislation were valid, and if the law or the accompanying guidelines need to be changed.
Baghdad Blogger
The Baghdad Blogger, Salam Pax, on what Iraqi's really thought about the capture and public humiliation of Saddam Hussein
Europe's Enron?
Is it right to compare the troubles of Italian food giant, Parmalat, to the disgraced energy company?
And why are President Bush's opponents consumed by personal hatred of him?
Newsnight can be seen on BBC Two at 2230 GMT, or in Real video, either live or on demand, by clicking on the latest programme button.