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Last Updated: Tuesday, 27 January, 2004, 15:42 GMT
Pope gives Cheney peace message
Dick Cheney with the Pope
Mr Cheney "the hawk" brought the Pope a crystal dove
US Vice-President Dick Cheney has visited Pope John Paul II as part of a European tour seen as an attempt to mend fences after the Iraq war.

The elderly pontiff appealed for America to embrace "unity, peace and respect for the dignity of all" when he received Mr Cheney at the Vatican.

The vice-president was a leading advocate of war in Iraq, which the Roman Catholic Church strongly opposed.

He was due to visit US troops in Italy before leaving for Washington.

Crystal dove

The two men spoke for about 15 minutes before the Pope delivered his message.

"The American people have always cherished the fundamental values of freedom, justice and equality," he said, according to a Vatican press release.

"In a world marked by conflict, injustice and division, the human family needs to foster these values in its search for unity, peace and respect for the dignity of all."

The two men are believed to have discussed the situation in Iraq and the Middle East.

Shortly before the Iraq conflict began in March, the Pope described war as a "defeat for humanity".

Mr Cheney, who favoured the military option, brought the pontiff a gift in the form of a crystal dove.

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