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Last Updated: Sunday, 6 April, 2003, 11:17 GMT 12:17 UK
Barghouti defiant as trial opens

By James Reynolds
BBC Middle East correspondent

Marwan Barghouti at an earlier court appearance
Barghouti has refused to recognise the competence of the Israeli court

The trial of prominent Palestinian Marwan Barghouti has started in Tel Aviv.

Israel accuses Mr Barghouti, secretary general of the Fatah Movement, of heading a terrorist organisation responsible for the death of 26 Israelis.

Mr Barghouti refuses to recognise the competence of the Israeli court.


Mr Barghouti was arrested almost a year ago but only now, after a series of initial hearings, is his trial is finally underway.

This is like a football match, not a trial
Prosecution witness
He was led into the small courtroom in Tel Aviv in handcuffs and brown prison uniform.

He smiled and waved at the public gallery, then the session began.

Mr Barghouti tried to get the court to dismiss his state appointed defence lawyers.

"This court represents the Israeli occupation," he said in Hebrew.

"I will not participate in this forgery."

But the court ruled against him and the prosecution then opened its case.

The lead prosecutor told the court Mr Barghouti was the head of a terrorist organisation responsible for many murders.

The defendant interrupted her.

"I am the secretary general of Fatah, this is not a terror organisation," he said.

Witness defiance

The prosecution went on to call as witnesses three Palestinian prisoners convicted by Israel of acts of violence and accused of acting under Marwan Barghouti's command.

The first, Nasser Abu Hamid, refused to testify.

He then put his fingers in his ears and refused to listen to prosecution questions.

The second tore up a confession of his when it was presented to him and shouted: "This is like a football match, not a trial."

The third, Bilal Barghouti, also refused to testify and said in Arabic: "Jerusalem is ours."

He then demanded to leave. The court then asked the public to leave while intelligence witnesses testified in camera. The trial continues.

Israel and the Palestinians



Palestinian women sit on a roof top of the home of a Palestinian family in Beit Lahia in the northern Gaza Strip on 20 November 2006. Human shields
Palestinians adopt a new tactic to deter Israeli attacks, but this is a high-risk strategy





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