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Tuesday, 17 April, 2001, 17:25 GMT 18:25 UK
No Doctor Who for Hugh
Hugh Grant
Hugh Grant will not be stepping into the Tardis
Rumours that Hugh Grant is to take the lead in the big screen version of Doctor Who have been denied.

The BBC is planning to make a movie version of the science fiction cult series but has stressed the project is still in its infancy.

Since it was announced that BBC Films was to make a Doctor Who film a succession of rumours have emerged. The latest links Bridget Jones actor Hugh Grant to the title role.

The Doctor, who has been played by seven different actors in the TV series, travels through time and space in his Tardis - which resembles a blue police box from the outside.

Grant appeared in the Comic Relief special Doctor Who and The Curse of Fatal Death.


But the BBC states it is not the case that he has been lined up to reprise the role of the Time Lord for real.

Other actors who have been linked to the project include Sean Connery, Sylvester Stallone and John Cleese.

A spokeswoman said: "We are still in talks about making the film but any mention of actors is pure speculation.

Tom Baker and a Dalek
Tom Baker played the popular fourth Doctor
"There is no script yet and without a script there is no production crew and no cast."

However, the film department is confident the film will eventually be produced, but there is no indication of when this could be.

Hugh Grant's publicist has also denied any connection with the Doctor Who film, claiming no approach has been made.

The BBC's Doctor Who television series ran from 1963 to 1989, although a TV film starring Paul McGann as the Doctor was made in 1996.

See also:

28 May 98 | UK
Who's Who?: What you think
15 Feb 01 | Entertainment
Dalek for sale in car showroom
24 Nov 98 | Entertainment
Dr Who back on the BBC
14 Jan 99 | Entertainment
Missing Dr Who found
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