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Last Updated: Monday, 8 March, 2004, 15:44 GMT
Stars mark women's day in India
Jane Fonda with actress Dolly Thakore and playwright Eve Ensler
Fonda (left) said violence affected women all over the world
Actresses Jane Fonda and Marisa Tomei marked International Women's Day by staging a performance of The Vagina Monologues in India.

The show was set up by the V-Day Foundation, a charity run by Monologues author Eve Ensler which raises awareness of violence against women.

Indian and Pakistani actresses joined the show in Bombay, also called Mumbai.

"Violence comes in many forms and affects women all over the world," Fonda said after the performance.

Fonda, 66, said she had had to take a back seat in each of her three marriages.

"Behind the closed doors of my marriage, I would give up all my power. I would silence my own voice to be accepted," she said.

"My whole life was about pleasing my man."

Oona King MP, Tamara Beckwith and Joan Ruddock MP
MPs Oona King (left) and Joan Ruddock (right) with socialite Tamara Beckwith

Fonda's last marriage was to Ted Turner, the billionaire media mogul who set up satellite TV service CNN. They married in 1991 but divorced 10 years later.

Tomei said it had been a liberating experience performing the play in the US.

"It's important to honour the point of view of the other half of the population and hear the voices of those who are not normally heard," she said.

In the UK, a group of Labour MPs are also staging a performance of the play at London's Criterion Theatre on Monday.

Labour's Oona King (Bethnal Green and Bow), Caroline Flint (Don Valley), Margaret Moran (Luton South), Linda Gilroy (Plymouth Sutton) and Joan Ruddock (Deptford), Tory Caroline Spelman (Meriden) and Liberal Democrat Sandra Gidley (Romsey) have been rehearsing in the Houses of Parliament.

Actress and model Jerry Hall, comedy performer Rhona Cameron and socialite Tamara Beckwith met the MPs in the afternoon for rehearsals.

Beijing forbids Vagina Monologues
12 Feb 04  |  Entertainment
'Monologues' banned in Malaysia
07 Feb 02  |  Entertainment
Men's free tickets for Vagina Monologues
27 Nov 01  |  Entertainment

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