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Last Updated: Monday, 1 August 2005, 13:22 GMT 14:22 UK
Moyles show tops UK podcast chart
Chris Moyles in BBC Radio 1 studio
Highlights of Moyles' daily shows are being podcast each week
BBC Radio 1's breakfast show, hosted by DJ Chris Moyles, has become one of the UK's most popular podcasts - 10 hours after making its debut in the format.

It topped the Apple Top Subscribed Podcasts chart, beating BBC Radio 4's Today programme and Mark Kermode's film reviews from BBC Radio Five Live.

The best of Moyles' shows are being broadcast for download every week.

Podcasting enables a listener to have a radio programme delivered to their personal computer.

Listen any time

It can then be downloaded to a piece of listening equipment such as an MP3 player which can then be listened to at any time.

While no definitive podcast chart has yet been established, Apple's Top Subscribed Podcasts chart is seen as a good indicator of each show's popularity.

Best of Moyles is available every Thursday from the Radio 1 website.

"I'm glad that even more people can enjoy the show and now even computer geeks from around the world can help feed my ego," Moyles said on its launch.

Also featured in the chart, at number 25, is William Gallagher, former contributor to the BBC News website and Ceefax, with his weekly independent review of DVD releases in the UK.

A number of BBC Radio programmes are being made available for download or podcast during a trial run.

Programmes including Radio 4's From Our Own Correspondent and Five Live's Sportsweek are also included in the trial.

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