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Last Updated: Monday, 24 April 2006, 15:45 GMT 16:45 UK
Doctor Who dog K9 gets spin-off
The new K-9
K-9 Adventures will feature a new-look version of the trusty robo-dog
Doctor Who's robotic dog K9 is to get its own TV spin-off featuring a mixture of live action and computer animation.

Children's TV channel Jetix Europe is joining forces with former Doctor Who designer Paul Tams and K9 co-creator Bob Baker for the 26-instalment series.

Baker, co-writer of the Oscar-winning Wallace and Gromit feature film, said he was "delighted to be giving K-9 a new lease of life and a new look".

The original K9 appeared on Doctor Who between 1977 and 1981.

He subsequently appeared in a 1981 one-off show, K9 and Company, and 1983 special The Five Doctors.

'Space fantasy-adventure'

The metallic canine is set to make a guest appearance in this week's instalment of the current Doctor Who series alongside former doctor's assistant Sarah Jane Smith, played by Elisabeth Sladen.

The old K-9
John Leeson provided the voice of the original K-9
According to industry newspaper Broadcast, the BBC opted out of the K9 series in order to concentrate on its own upcoming Doctor Who spin-off, Torchwood.

Michael Lekes of Jetix Europe said the new series, to be called K9 Adventures, would be "an excellent space fantasy-adventure series that we are sure will be immensely popular".

"K9 holds a very special place in the hearts of all Doctor Who fans." added Jim Howell of distributors Park Entertainment.

Sidekick K9 returns to Doctor Who
24 Aug 05 |  Entertainment
Myles set for Doctor Who spin-off
24 Feb 06 |  Entertainment


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