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Last Updated: Tuesday, 27 February 2007, 17:17 GMT
Victoria Beckham wins US TV deal
Victoria Beckham
Beckham released three Spice Girls albums and had one of her own
Ex-Spice Girl Victoria Beckham is to star in a fly-on-the-wall documentary about her forthcoming move to the US after signing a £10m deal with NBC.

The programme will "look inside her world", her spokeswoman confirmed, but will not feature her footballer husband David, or their three sons.

The former England captain transfers to Los Angeles Galaxy this summer.

The 32-year-old was known as Posh Spice during her time with the group, who released their last single in 2000.

Last month she described the move to the US - which will reportedly earn her husband $250m (£127m) over five years - as "really exciting".

She said it was a decision which had been "thought about carefully".

"I'm really looking forward to making new friends and enjoying the sunshine in California," she wrote on her website.

Beckham's spokeswoman said that the precise details of the series were still to be finalised, and gave no timescale for transmission.

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