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Last Updated: Wednesday, 1 September, 2004, 21:02 GMT 22:02 UK
Sarkozy confirms leadership bid
Nicolas Sarkozy
Nicolas Sarkozy is seen as a future presidential contender
French Finance Minister Nicolas Sarkozy has told President Jacques Chirac that he will stand for the leadership of the main governing party, officials say.

Correspondents say he is the favourite to replace Alain Juppe, who will stand down after being convicted of graft.

Mr Sarkozy is seen as placing himself for a future run at the presidency.

Mr Chirac, who regards him as a rival, told Mr Sarkozy earlier that he would be sacked as minister if he took the leadership of the UMP party.

Officials at the president's office said Mr Chirac - who continued to back Juppe after his conviction - supported Mr Sarkozy's bid.

They added that Mr Sarkozy will retain his job at the finance ministry until the party election in November.

Sarkozy considers leadership bid
22 Jul 04  |  Europe
Nicolas Sarkozy
26 May 04  |  Newsnight

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