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Last Updated: Wednesday, 16 January 2008, 06:10 GMT
In pictures: Michigan primary

Mitt Romney speaks in Southfield, Michigan

Mitt Romney has won Michigan's Republican presidential primary, relaunching his campaign after second-place finishes in Iowa and New Hampshire.

John McCain speaks at a rally in Charleston, South Carolina

Despite leading in a number of pre-election opinion polls, John McCain came in second. He was already in South Carolina on Tuesday, campaigning for its primary.

Mike Huckabee poses with a supporter and her family in Warren, Michigan

Mike Huckabee, the winner in Iowa on 3 January, took third place in Michigan, as he did in New Hampshire last week.

A voter casts his ballot in a fire station in Detroit, Michigan

Turnout was reported to have been low in the primary, possibly as a result of low temperatures throughout the state

A ballot paper for the Michigan primary

Hillary Clinton won Michigan's Democratic Party primary, although the result is receiving little attention, because of a ruling by party bosses rendering the contest invalid.

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