Page last updated at 12:42 GMT, Friday, 13 February 2009

In pictures: Australia's fire refugees

Karen Burton (L) and her eight-year-old twins collect food and clothing at a Whittlesea relief centre

Emergency relief centres are being set up across the Australian state of Victoria, where devastating bushfires have destroyed more than 1,800 homes and displaced more than 7,000 people.

Sean Galpin carries his three-month-old daughter, Lucy, at a relief centre in Yea

Australians have rallied for the bushfire victims, raising A$21.5m (£10m) for the Red Cross Bushfire Appeal in a national telethon.

Volunteers sort through tonnes of donated goods at the Whittlesea relief centre

Volunteers have been helping to sort through the tonnes of donated clothes and food at the hastily erected centres, set up inside schools and other public buildings.

A survivor is consoled by a Country Fire Authority member outside the Healesville Relief Centre

The centres have also afforded the bushfire victims psychological relief, sharing stories of how they managed to escape the flames.

Imogen and Mya Roberts, of Kinglake, play among a sea of donated goods

For the youngest of survivors, the temporary shelters help to provide a sense of relative normality.

Tony Petkovski (L) and his brother Mark (C) play video games in a mobile youth centre bus at Yea

Mobile youth centres have also been touring relief centres in some of the badly fire-affected areas.

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