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Last Updated: Wednesday, 10 August 2005, 10:26 GMT 11:26 UK
Iran press defiant on nuclear resumption
Iran's papers are in a defiant mood on Wednesday, urging the government not to give in to the West over its "inalienable" right to nuclear energy.

Several say Iran has nothing to fear from being referred to the UN Security Council. Others see Iran standing up for the developing world against a Western monopoly on nuclear technology.

Some papers in the Middle East back Iran but one daily warns Tehran's tough stance could serve as a pretext for a US attack.

Iran has slapped America in the

face... The US and the Europeans have toned down their language after Iran's brave act of resuming activities at the uranium conversion facility... Iran's nuclear dossier cannot be sent to the UN Security Council and Iran shouldn't be afraid of this sword of Damocles hanging over its head.

Iran's Kayhan

By resuming conversion activities at Isfahan, Iran is trying to tell the Europeans the door of negotiations is still open if they recognise its legitimate right to uranium enrichment.

Iran's E'temaad

Senior German officials maintain that the resumption of Iran's nuclear activities endangers international peace and violates international rules... Despite their claims, their hostile and aggressive position has nothing to do with international peace since they are fully aware of Iran's peaceful nuclear activities.

Iran's Siyasat-e-Ruz

Iran has the right to nuclear technology for peaceful purposes... Iran is determined to stick to its legitimate rights without hesitation, since nuclear technology is neither a European nor an American monopoly.

Iran's Al-Vefagh

The confrontation between the north and the south became apparent once again at the IAEA session... Non-aligned countries tried their best to stop Iran being referred to the UN Security Council.. Iran should pay close attention to improving relations with these countries.

Iran's Hamshahri

The resumption of nuclear activities at Isfahan indicates Iranian's strong will to defend their inalienable right to access nuclear technology for peaceful purposes, but can also be regarded as a symbolic measure on behalf of all Third World countries attempting to challenge the phenomenon of the monopolisation of the technology.

Iran's Tehran Times

Despite the escalation of the Iranian nuclear issue, there is still a chance for a peaceful solution... The statements by the Iranian president yesterday that he was ready to return to the negotiating table are a positive sign, which indicates there is still chance to defuse the crisis peacefully.

Qatar's Al-Rayah

Iran's decision to resume the uranium enrichment programme for military purposes was well considered and wise and the timing was most appropriate. If there is one lesson we have all learnt from the US invasion of Iraq it is that the invasion was not a result of Iraq's possession of nuclear weapons - a lie to the world by American leaders - but simply because Iraq did not possess these weapons.

Jordan's Al-Dustur, comment by Batir Muhammad Ali Wardam

The EU and the US are increasing their pressure on Iran, and are trying to persuade it to scrap its uranium enrichment programme... Meanwhile, they completely disregard Israel's enrichment of uranium and the manufacturing of nuclear weapons... This is nothing but sheer hypocrisy.

Syria's Tishrin, comment by Hanan Hamid

Iran is a great Islamic state and it is our concern that it should not fall into the trap prepared for it by the super power and that it should avoid being pounced on by those seeking to ambush it... Islamic states and the Organisation of Islamic Conference should have moved to persuade the Iranian leadership to be patient in dealing with the international demands to hold off uranium enrichment.

London-based Al-Arab al-Alamiyah, comment by Ahmad al-Hawni

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