Tuesday, February 10, 1998 Published at 23:11 GMT Sci/Tech Sexuality shown by thumbprints say scientists
First it was the so-called "gay gene" and now scientists say they have proof homosexuals have different fingerprints.
The inference is that a gene, responsible at least in part, for shaping fingerprints also, somehow, has a role in determining sexual orientation.
The discovery, made after extensive comparisons of the prints of gay and "straight" men, is likely to reignite the age-old argument about whether sexual orientation is predestined or not.
It also raises the prospect of a genetic test for homosexuality and the question of whether parents, or society, should be allowed to take any action based on such information.
Science journalist Chandler Burr, himself a gay man, is the author of "A Separate Creation: How Biology Makes Us Gay".
He says the study provides further ammunition to those, like him, who claim sexual orientation is predestined at birth.
Mr Burr says it is clear homosexuality is an inborn instinct and not a "frivolous lifestyle" which was chosen at whim.
He says not all people with gay orientations choose to "come out" and some stay in their "closets" all their lives.
She says it is more important to make sure all homosexuals' human rights are protected.