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Wednesday, 6 September, 2000, 11:13 GMT 12:13 UK
Noel follows Liam's lead again
By BBC News Online's Chris Charles
To the untrained eye, Noel Gallagher's marriage split - unlike his brother's - was a bolt from the blue. Delve a little deeper and you realise the writing was on the wall the day Liam announced his break-up with Patsy. History shows that whatever "our kid" does, Big Brother is sure to follow. On April Fool's Day 1997, Liam married Patsy - two months later Noel tied the knot with Meg. In September 1999, Liam became a dad - four months later, it was Noel's turn to wet the baby's head.
July this year, Liam and Patsy split - two months later, well, you get the picture. Ironically, it is Noel who has spent the past few years playing Captain Mainwaring to his brother's Private Pike, refusing to bow down to the "stupid boy" and letting the world know who wears the trousers. He made his intentions clear from the off, quitting his job as an Inspiral Carpets roadie to take complete control of Oasis, after being invited by Liam to manage the band. Pipe and slippers But despite his quest for power, Noel has been forced to take a back seat to both Liam and Meg when it comes to the party circuit. After admitting meeting his wife "through drugs" and marrying her while drunk, he has visibly taken his foot off the accelerator and settled into the pipe and slippers life of a country gent. In fact, with the birth of daughter Anais and the purchase of a secluded mansion, the couple appeared to be happier than ever, entrenched in one of rock'n'roll's safest marriages. Sadly, professional party organiser Meg's quest for the champagne lifestyle has not diminished and it became apparent Noel was getting fed up with her thirst for adventure.
Photographs from a recent family break at the couple's villa in Ibiza showed him looking sullen and uninterested, while reports suggested he was "bored and grumpy". Now the couple have got to try and put on a brave face as their dirty linen is washed in public under the unforgiving glare of the world's media. If he continues to follow in his sibling rival's footsteps, Noel would appear to have no chance of a marital reconciliation. Of course, if he really wanted to put newly loved-up Liam in the shade for once, he would have to consider dating a Spice Girl. Now that would be interesting.
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