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Sunday, 7 July, 2002, 11:24 GMT 12:24 UK
Kate and PJ face Brother eviction
PJ and Kate
PJ and Kate lost out in the surprise draw
Kate Lawler and PJ Ellis have both found themselves up for surprise eviction from Channel 4's Big Brother house after the weekly task carried a penalty of facing the public vote.

On Saturday, the remaining six contestants in the TV reality game show had to draw lots to choose two people to receive a video message from loved ones - but both would then find themselves automatically nominated for eviction.

IT desk administrator Kate, 22, from Beckenham, south London and PJ Ellis, 22, a trainee solicitor from Birmingham, were chosen after the draw.

With Kate and PJ already up for eviction, the rest of the housemates will be let off nominating each other at the start of the week, as they usually have to do.

Adele Roberts
Adele left the house on Friday

The result of last week's nominations led to Adele Roberts being booted out of the house on Friday.

Adele, 23, a personal assistant and DJ from Southport, left the house after receiving more votes than the bookies favourite for the boot, Jade Goody.

Meanwhile, since Adele's departure, the surviving housemates have seen the rich-poor divide lifted.

The contestants emerged from their bedrooms to see the house returned to its original state.

They cheered and hugged each other in celebration. Jade, 21 - a dental nurse from Bermondsey, south London - shouted: "No more outside toilet."

The others joined in the jubilation by running to grab the food in the fridge after those on the poor side had spent a week on basic rations.


However, their joy was short-lived when they realised there was a catch and Big Brother revealed their weekly task live on the show.

The messages from the loved ones were given to PJ and Kate on video.

The bars in the Big Brother house
The bars split the house into rich and poor

PJ broke down as he watched his friends and family pass on their love and support and was comforted by his fellow housemates, many of whom also shed a tear.

Kate was equally emotional as she watched her family, including her twin sister, on the giant screen in the house's living area.

Now reunited, the housemates will share a shopping budget of £400.

As well as PJ, Kate and Jade, they include model Alex Sibley, 23, from Hornchurch, Essex, Jonny Regan, 29, firefighter from County Durham and Tim Culley, 23, recently-graduated student from Worcester.

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05 Jul 02 | Entertainment
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