Postdoctoral researcher at UNSW (Sydney)

Music Acoustics Group

Address : School of Physics, UNSW, Sydney NSW 2052, Australia

Email : mgarnierfr (at)

Research projects

Vocal straining and communication efficiency

Why are some people more likely than others to develop voice disorders ?

Beyond the anatomic and environmental factors which may influence vocal health, we aim in that project at understanding how the subject may actively contribute to the developpement of voice disorders by his own behavior. We could then envisage some prevention and rehabilitation of vocal straining at the behavioural and not only at the physiological level. To that goal, we are exploring 3 main questions :

Colleagues : Joe Wolfe, John Smith and Jer Ming Chen (UNSW, Sydney), Nathalie Henrich, Marion Dohen, Lucie Bailly, Helene Loevenbruck and Pauline Welby (GIPSA-Lab, Grenoble), Daniele Dubois (LAM-IJLRA, Paris).

>>See publications

Voice quality

Are there some acoustical and physiological correlates to the different "timbres" of voice we can perceive ?

In that project, we have developped a cognitive and semantical approach in order to couple verbal and perceptual fields to the acoustical and physiological ones, as we assume that "information" on voice quality is not in the measured signal itself but in the listener's cognitive representations, which allow him to give meaning to physical parameters according to his knowledge, his aims and the listening context.

Therefore we have chosen to start from the listeners' point of view in order to first explore from a precise linguistic analysis the meaning and consensus of the verbal descriptors and criteria which are used by singing teachers to describe Western classical voices. Only in a second step, we have started to find some acoustical and physiological parameters accounting for the perception of these relevant and semantically clarified criteria.

Collegues : Joe Wolfe and John Smith (UNSW, Sydney), Nathalie Henrich (GIPSA-Lab, Grenoble), Michele Castellengo, Daniele Dubois, Jacques Poitevineau, David Sotiropoulos and Luiza Maxim (LAM-IJLRA, Paris), Pascal Bezard, Robert Expert, Christian Guerin, Claire Pillot, Sophie Quattrocchi, Bernard Roubeau and Boris Terk (GQV).

>>See publications