Thursday, October 28, 2010

Monday, October 11, 2010


We went to the zoo this weekend with our friends Dan and Amy and their kids. It was only the second time that we've taken Leah and I think that she appreciated it a lot more this time around. She noticed a lot more of the animals, and had a fun time acting like she was a big girl with her friend Jaycee.

The girls looking at a peacock with their daddy's.

Leah wanted to do everything Jaycee was doing :)

I think we were looking at either a lizard or a snake. I'm trying very hard not to project my feeling of being creeped out on Leah :)

Leah loved being able to walk with Jaycee and me. But we couldn't do it for long because Leah's teeny legs couldn't keep up and it would have taken us forever to get through the zoo.

We had a really fun time, and it's so fun to see Leah start to understand the concept of freinds. The whole drive home Leah was saying "Jacee, Logan!" ( Logan is Jaycee's baby brother)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Utah trip and Leah update

This past weekend Leah and I went to Salt Lake with my parents for conference weekend. Leah did SO well on the plane. Our flight out to Utah was right during her nap time so she missed her nap that day, but she didn't complain or cry once. She was really good to travel with, however I was a little stressed. We have a really good routine at home and I was a little worried being away from our usual environment, but Leah did great. She took a nap everyday we were there and had so much fun going to Temple Square and great grandma Strong's house. We also got to see uncle "Chasey". He drove down from Idaho for the weekend to go to conference and to see us, and Leah was sure happy to see her uncle :)

On the plane leaving denver

Playing in the water fountain at Gateway mall.

While we were downtown, Leah got to see a real live "nay nay" for the first time :)

She loved looking at/touching all the flowers.

I love the action in this pic :) She had fun running around temple square.

In other Leah news...She seems to have grown up so much in the past few days. She's started putting words and thoughts together coherently which is really fun. It's so cool to see her process things and to watch her little mind work. Over the weekend she would look at me and say "Sammy" (talking about her friend Sam) I'd say back "is Sammy your friend?" and She'd respond "ya, ball!" (Sam has a big exercise ball at his house that she likes to play with). Then I would say " does Sammy have a ball at his house?" and she would say "Ya, friend." I feel like we're just months away from her forming sentences! In the last couple day's she's started putting words together. She'll say things like "more cookie" or "bye bye friend". She'll grab my hand and say "come on!" and takes me where she wants to go. In one of her sign language videos, there's a song about crawling like a bug. She'll tell me "Mommy, bug" and make me get down on the floor and crawl around with her.