Thursday, June 30, 2011


How Far Along: 6 Weeks

Baby Updates: Baby B is about the size of a sweet pea this week. Within this week, the heart should begin to beat. The facial features, kidneys, liver, and lungs are also taking shape this week. Big week in the development department!

Total Weight Gain/Loss:
We need to get a scale so I can keep track of this! I am starving so I am trying to eat healthy so I do not gain too much weight during the first trimester! (Update-I bought a scale so I can keep my ravenous appetite in check)

Maternity Clothes:
Not yet! Hoping I can wear some of my work clothes into early fall.

Don't know-we will find out late September.


Horrible-I wish I could fall asleep and stay asleep!

What I miss:
Mountain Dew this week, especially when I have to go to work.

Blue berries and salty food!

Hungry and tired. Thankfully not sick... yet!

Best Moment this week:
Getting to see the baby on the ultrasound (even if it was a scary moment of how we ended up getting the ultrasound)