Wednesday, October 26, 2011

23 Weeks

How Far Along? 23 weeks!

Maternity Clothes? Yep....still a mix.  I am thinking I need to get a few more pairs of pants thought...

Weight Gain? Will find out on Monday...guessing its not on the lower side lol.

Stretch Marks? Not yet!

Sleep? Better this week, but I don't sleep for longer than a few hours at a time since I have to flip over because my back/hips hurt (I sound like I am 70).  It also doesn't help that LB has a party in my stomach every night between 10-11 so I lay awake feeling him kick until he must finally fall back asleep!

Best Moment of the Week? I think people actually realizing that I am pregnant....vs. just fat!  One group of students this week just apparently NOW found out I was pregnant.  I asked them if it was hot in the room or just me because I was pregnant.  They responded with, WHAT YOU'RE PREGNANT! I asked them if they just thought I had one too many bags of cheetos (which is also possible ha ha) and just getting fat-they all said they weren't going to ask and risk hurting my feelings lol...typical male students.

Movement? Yep...he has been pretty active this past week! I love it that I know I have a reassurance that he is ok in there!

Gender? Boy!

What I miss? Sleeping and not constantly feeling like I have to pee!

Symptoms: New symptom this week-BACK PAIN! It helped to go to the chiropractor, but this has been a bad week for my back.  I think everything is beginning to separate and move apart!

What I'm looking forward to? Hitting the 24 week mark! Viability week! Also my appointment on the 31st.  Just a check up, but curious to ask the doctor a few questions and possible see about scheduling my future appointments with a different doctor.  I am not 100% pleased with the one I have been seeing.

Weekly Wisdom: Try to enjoy a day of feeling good, because the next day I could feel like crap lol....

Milestones: 17 weeks left!

Emotions:  Pretty normal...I have found my patience level with students is getting less.  I think being tired and having an aching back makes it hard to always be a nice teacher =).  Overall, still doing well. Ready for Logan to come home though!

Here is the 23 week belly shot:

Logan pointed out that its getting pointy does look rather pointy. I think its his butt/back that makes it like that! I can feel something hard when I poke at him lol....

Saturday, October 22, 2011

22 Week belly!

Figured I needed to get on the ball with these weekly pictures since its actually becoming noticeably larger....however I still get the comments of you are so tiny! We will see how much he grew in the past 4 weeks at my doctors appointment on the 31st!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

22 weeks

How Far Along? 22 weeks!

Maternity Clothes? Yep...tops are still mostly fitting, but pants no way they would fit!  I also ordered a maternity coat this week since my pea-coat, northface, and AE winter jacket don't zip or button anymore!

Weight Gain? I honestly haven't weighed myself new theory is I will gain what I gain.  I try to get a nice balance of all food groups during the day and I don't over indulge in sweets or not much else I can do besides eat less! 

Stretch Marks? Not so far, but my stomach has doubled in size so I am watching closely lol.

Sleep? Overall crappy...I am not sure if this is linked to Logan being gone or the fact that I can't lay on one side for longer than a few hours.

Best Moment of the Week? I suppose getting lots of little things for LB's room! This week I got a cute little baseball nightlight and a Scentsy warmer with a newborn scent! Super excited for this one! Logan already thinks I am going overboard...he has no idea what he started by saying "I would prefer a baseball theme."

Movement? Yep.  A little less the past few days, I am guessing he is going through a growth spurt and sleeping more (at least from what I have read =)).

Gender? Boy!

What I miss? Not having some feeling of pain lol....

Symptoms: The same that I have been having, stretching, RLP, hungry, and occasional heartburn.  

What I'm looking forward to? My next appointment in about 1.5 weeks and getting the glider in December! 

Weekly Wisdom: Try to relax because come February I doubt there will be much of that!

Milestones: Ummmm....half way through second trimester? Crazy!

Emotions:Holding steady....its hard with Logan gone but so far I have done ALOT better than I thought.  It also helps that Logan tries to call or at least message me daily so I know he is safe =).  He knows I worry about him! 

Last but not least here is a picture from last weekend (21.5) weeks with my Mom at the pumpkin patch!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

21 Weeks!

How Far Along? 21 weeks!

Maternity Clothes? Yep...I think I have enough now that I should be set unless I get unexpectedly huge lol!

Weight Gain? Still around 12 pounds...however could be more since my Mom is here and always having us eat sweets!

Stretch Marks? Not so far! After realizing my skin is more like my Mom's than I thought, I am hoping I follow suit like her, my aunts, and my Grandma (who had 12 babies) and not get any stretch marks! However, I am still lotioning, oiling, and drinking TONS of water  to aid on the side of genetics lol =)

Sleep? Very hit or miss....sometimes its ok, others not at all good.  I am hoping to go back to sleeping well!

Best Moment of the Week? Feeling him kick on the outside! I SOOOO wish Logan was here to be able to feel him.  Plus more consistent movement this week!  We have also been busy putting LB's room together! My Mom and I painted, put up chair rail, and put the crib together! I found several baseball decorations and only have a few more things to order!!

Movement? Yes much more consistent the past week! Its fun, but still slightly creepy! I can imagine this will be yet another thing to worry about if I get used to him moving! I do notice he tends to move at specific times of the day, particularly in the morning when I get up and in the evening sitting on the couch. 

Gender? Boy!

What I miss? Logan...I am ready to have him home with me!

Symptoms: Stretching and the fun exciting, round ligament pain. 

What I'm looking forward to? Actually settling on a name for LB!

Weekly Wisdom: Drink water and just stay busy...helps the pregnancy time go faster, as well as deployment time!

Milestones: Getting LB's room put together!

Emotions: Excited and looking forward to more decorating and baby showers coming up in November and December!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

The half way belly!

We're growing a baby!

20 week belly! It's growing! I think it looks huge, but daily people tell me how tiny I am...guess its all about perception!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


How Far Along? 20 weeks!

Maternity Clothes? Pretty much all the time

Weight Gain? I am up to around 12 lbs! 
Stretch Marks? Nope....still using lotion/oil =).

Sleep? Better-I got a nice body pillow and now that Logan is gone I have his side to sleep on too lol.

Best Moment of the Week? People actually being able to tell that I am pregnant and the kids asking questions about it!

Movement? I apparently have an anterior placenta, meaning it sits between my stomach and the baby-so he has to kick through that for me to feel it! I can feel some kicks, but nothing consistent!

Gender? Boy!

What I miss? New fall clothes!

Symptoms: More stretching and growing this week I think-I have been sore all along the bottom of my belly from the growing!  Also, my belly button is on the verge of becoming an outie! Guess its time to take my belly ring out, I think that is what's holding it in ha ha.   Back pain this week also-it might be time to go to the chiropractor once a week!

What I'm looking forward to? Being able to countdown in the other direction =)

Weekly Wisdom: Try not to stress over things I can't control...Logan's saying.

Milestones: Hitting the half way point of the pregnancy!

Emotions:Excited to start decorating the nursery with my Mom this next week! Missing my love as usual until he is back safely with me here!